Chapter 6

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Buzz said when Buzz #2 strapped him and put him in a spaceship cardboard box "listen to me, listen to me you're not really a Space Ranger, you're a toy, WE'RE ALL TOYS DO YOU HEAR ME?"

"YOU LET HIM GO" Grace shouted at Buzz #2 while yanking his arm and then he threw her to the shelf, the shelf hit her head and then she passed out

"That strange child" Buzz #2 said to Grace and then to Buzz "Well that's a hold you until the court martial"

"Let me go, you don't realized what your doing" Buzz said and he started struggling

Then Potato Head, Rex, Hamm and then a Tour Guide Barbie drove in a toy car and came and saw Buzz #2 but they didn't know that it's not their Buzz, Buzz tried to tell them that they got the wrong Buzz but they couldn't hear him and then they drove away.

A while later, Buzz tired to get him out of the box, then he finally got out, as he unstrapped himself he saw Grace lying down unconscious, he said "Grace!" and he ran to her

"Grace, can't believe he did this to you wake up, wake up" Buzz said when he picked her up "please wake up" and then he heard a man cheering, so he carried her in a bridal style and check out where the voice was coming from

"RICH, RICH" Al cheered out of his office and then Buzz saw Rex's tail in his bag, he gasped and he started following him, but then he tripped into the balls and as Al walks to the door, Buzz said to Grace when he put her on his shoulder "this is going to be a bumpy ride" and then he climbed up, threw a bat on the ground, he jumped on it, jumped on the trampoline and grabbed on the monkey swing, then Al went out of the store but the door was already closed as Buzz jumped and the door hit him, and he jumped to get the door open, then he saw Al's car driving across the street and then he jumped on the game board pile and push them down and the door opened and he ran out with Grace

Buzz ran across the street with a cone on him and as he got the building, he heard something, he lifted the cone up, he saw footprints leading to the air vent and he heard "Buzz, slow down" so he went to the air vent.

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