Chapter Eight

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(photo above is Y/N's outfit for the day)


Today is Friday, meaning, tomorrow is my birthday. And every year, on the day before my birthday, my sisters, my mom and I go out somewhere.
So I was getting ready. Lauren volunteered to watch the girls, even though I said my dad and my brother could do it. But she insisted, and who am I to say no?

I had my closet door wide open as I stared at all the different clothes. I hate to admit but just like everyone else, I looked at my closet – full of beautiful, new clothing – and said that I didn’t have anything to wear. I sighed. Time to get inventive.
I looked out the window and saw the sun was shining really bright. Which is uncommon for a winter day in New York City, but I’m fine with it.
I spotted my favorite yellow dress and set it on my bed. I walked around my room to my second closet, the one I had for my shoes, purses and jewelry. I took out a pair of beige high heels, a beige Coach handbag and I took my grandmother’s necklace from my special jewelry box. The necklace had a pendant with the shape of a heart, and my initials were engraved in the back. It was a small locket, my grandma gave it to me before she got sick, inside there’s a picture of her and I when I was still a little girl, her grey hair in contrast with my auburn lion hair. I set the necklace by the dress and started getting ready.
I put on my clothes and struggled a little bit, thinking about what to do with my hair. I then remembered this easy, messy braid that my sister taught me to do, years ago. I did the braid in the middle of my hair, and tied it with the hair itself, leaving the rest to fall in waves behind my back. I put on the necklace and did some light make up. I walked to the living room and opened the balcony door. A gust of wind crashed against my body and I shivered slightly. I’m going to need a coat.
I went back to my room and couldn’t find anything that would go with my outfit. I sat on my bed and looked around. There had to be something I could wear. That’s when I saw something on the corner of my make up table. A jacket. Lauren’s jacket.
She must have left it here last night, after she came back from another studio session. I grabbed the item and brought it close to my nose. I could smell her sweet scent. I put it on and it was way too big on my arms, so I rolled up the sleeves a little and smiled at myself in my full length mirror.

“I look really hot in leather.” I told myself.
“And you sound really crazy talking to yourself like that.” I heard Alicia say from behind me. I jumped, frightened. My hand flew to my heart.
“Jesus, Ali.” I said. “You should seriously stop sneaking up on people. I could’ve been naked.” She shrugged.
“So? It’s not like I haven’t seen all of that before.” She gesture to my body. “And It’s not like there’s much to see either.” She laughed as I threw a pillow at her face. “You seem ready, are you?”
“I am.” I told her, getting my purse and phone.
“Great. Mom is downstairs gushing about how her baby is turning 20 to every living soul that walks by.”
“We shall save them souls.” I told her, in mockery. She giggled.
“We shall!” She hooked her arm with mine and we left the loft.

When we walked into the lobby, we saw that my mom was indeed talking to every single person who passed by her. I looked to my left to see Alice sitting down on a waiting chair with my mom’s phone in her hands. We walked to her and sat by her side.

“Hey, beast.” Alicia said. Alice rolled her eyes.
“Hey.” She said, not taking her eyes off of the device.
“So, what is she doing?” I asked and we all looked up at our mom, seeming overly excited.
“I don’t know. I gave up on her about fifteen minutes ago.” The younger of us said. I laughed. “Just make her stop. Dad’s gonna be very mad if she scares off everyone like that.” I nodded.
I got up from my seat and walked up to my mother. She had her back to me, so I rested my hand gently on her shoulder and she turned around, her already huge smile, got bigger when she saw me.
“Baby! Finally. I was just telling this lady about how cute you were when you were a baby, and now you’re all grown up. You’ll be twenty in less than 24 hours.” She hugged me tight and sighed. “Time went by so fast.” I shook my head.
“Yeah, mom, time passed. I’m all grown up. Great, that’s beautiful. But I don’t think everyone wants to hear about it.” I told her and she widened her eyes.
“Right.” She started blushing. I giggled.
I waved my sisters over and they walked to us. I took the phone from Alice’s hand and gave it to my mom.
“No phone’s. We don’t just stare at our phones on your birthday eve.” I told her.
“Sorry. Liza distracted me.” She looked down. “But I’m all yours now.” We all laughed.

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