Chapter Nine

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(photo above is the outfits for the chapter)

When I woke up in the morning, there was a baby crawling up on my leg, and another one nibbling on my arm. I looked up to see Lauren watching the whole thing with a smile.

“You're just gonna sit there and watch?” I asked.
“Well, I really like what I see.” She said. I shook my head and sat up, bringing Ashley to sit on my lap and getting Melanie to let go of my arm. “It's your birthday today.” Lauren said, caressing Melanie's chubby cheek.
“It is.” I sighed. “I'm not a teen anymore.” I looked up at her and frowned.
“Yeah, I know. Not being a teen sucks. I miss it.” I chuckled.
“I almost forgot. I got you something yesterday.”
“But is your birthday, why are you the one giving me things?” She said as I left the bed to go find the paper bag I had come home with last night.
“Because it's my birthday and I want to.” I looked behind me to see if she would say anything, she didn't she just raised her hands in the air in surrender. I found the bag and crawled back into the bed with it. “Here.” I gave it to her. “It's nothing really fancy, but I thought it would be nice to have it.” I said.

She eyed me suspiciously and looked inside the box, as she did so, her eyebrows quirked up in confusion. She took the small box from the bag and put the paper bag aside.

“What's this?” She asked.
“Open it.” I said.
She carefully opened the velvet box and looked inside. There sat two rings, both silver on the outside but golden pink on the inside. Two simple and small diamond stones sat on top of each ring.

“It's not what you're thinking

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“It's not what you're thinking. I'm not one of those crazy girls who fall in love way too fast and are already thinking about marriage and kids.” I laughed. “Especially because I already skipped one of those steps, anyway.” She giggled. “This is just so I can look at it and remember that I have you, my beautiful, talented, intelligent, sweet, caring girlfriend. And so you can remember me when you look at yours.” She smiled. “And also, is just so people will stop flirting with you, cause God knows how that drives me nuts.”
“I love it. They're beautiful.” she said, with a huge smile, which made me smile just as big, maybe bigger. “Here, give me your hand.” I gave her my right hand and she took one ring out of the box, putting it on my ring finger. I did the same to her.
In the background I could her laughing and small clapping, I looked to the side to see Melanie giggling and Ashley clapping while laughing along. I shook my head. I don't deserve these two.

Later that day...

Lauren's POV

Y/N and I had breakfast together by the pool, while the babies swam around, we sunbathed a little and now she was getting ready to go to her classes and I was going to take the girls to Y/N's parents' loft, where we would be discussing the details of her birthday party later today.

I got Ashley dressed in a little green and yellow dress, while Melanie wore a little blue jean dress, I left them barefoot because they don't walk, is a waste of shoes. While I got them ready, I saw Y/N running all around trying to find everything she would be needing for her classes today.
After she was ready, she kissed us goodbye and left, leaving us to an empty loft. I put the babies in the stroller and got everything I would be needing. Diapers, pacifiers, bottles with water, bottle with juice, bottles with milk, stuffed animals, a couple changes of clothes for the both of them, my phone, charger, earbuds and food.

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