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Allie's POV

"Well where have you been?" Kasey asks immediately as I get through the door, "no where" I reply while blushing, "it's not no where when it makes you blush like that" she adds looking excited. I sit on my bed with a sigh, "spill" Kasey adds before sitting next to me, "Nate told me to meet him at the arena and he took me for a skate" I explain while smiling, "OMG that's adorable" Kasey tells me happily, "then he walked me back and we may have kissed a few times" I add, she squeals making me cringe as she bounces on the bed. "Kase relax, it's not a big deal" I explain to her, she stops bouncing and stares at me, "what?" I ask, "babe this is a huge deal you kissed a junior who is on the hockey team and you're only a freshman" she tells me, I shrug, "you have some wicked luck for only being here a week" she adds, "the funny thing is that i'm usually the unluckiest person in the room" I say with a laugh, "well theres no time like college to change that" Kasey exclaims. "When are you guys going out again?" she asks me, "how are you sure that there is a next time" I reply teasing her a bit, "what! he didn't ask you out?!" she exclaims in shock, "i'm just messing with you Kase, we're going out on Friday" I say smiling, "not nice Allie" she tells me with a shove I laugh as I fall over onto the bed, eventually Kasey starts laughing as well.

A few hours later we find ourselves in the common room with all the girls on our floor as we have a movie night with all kinds of junk food and pop. Kasey and I find a couch to sit on together as we drape the blanket we brought across our laps. "I wonder what movie was chosen?" she asks me as we watch the movie getting set up on the flat screen TV, "I hope it's something great and cheesy" I reply with a smile, "you're such a girl" she exclaims with a laugh, "that makes sense since I am you goof" I tell her. Before she can reply the lights are turned off and the screen lights up as the room becomes quiet. I smile when the intro to Pitch Perfect comes on, "this is my favourite" I say to Kasey before stuffing some popcorn into my mouth, "me too" she exclaims and we both focus on the movie. Later when the movie is over we all disperse back to our rooms and I flop onto my bed feeling exhausted, I look at my bedside clock and see that it's 11pm. Once i'm dressed in my pjs and i've brushed my teeth I snuggle under my covers and am fast asleep.

***** ***** *****

The next morning when I wake up I feel fully rested as a smile comes to my face thinking about all the events of yesterday. A loud knock sounds on our door and I jump in surprise almost falling off of the bed, Kasey doesn't stir in her bed still fast asleep, I groan but get up and walk over to the door. I swing it open and before I can see who's standing there lips land on mine, my arms stay by my sides in shock. The person pulls away and I see that it's Nate, "well good morning to you to" I say still shocked, "sorry, I couldn't help myself" he replies sheepishly as he runs his fingers through his blond hair, "it's okay, I just wasn't expecting that at all" I tell him with a smile. He smiles down at me before cradling my face and leaning down to kiss me again, I place my hands on his chest as we move closer to each other. We stand there for a few second out lips locked before I suddenly pull away, "wait, aren't you supposed to be at practice or something?" I ask, he rests his hands on my hips keeping us close, "we don't have practice until later" he replies, "you better not be lying Mr Hotshot, I don't want to be the reason that you get punished" I explain, "I wouldn't care you are worth every kind of punishment" he tells me with a smirk, I blush and look away from his gaze, he moves his arms so that they're completely around me and he pulls me even closer, my gaze goes back to his, "Allie you're adorable" he exclaims before bringing a hand up to stroke my cheek gently, I lean into his touch with a smile.

"Okay lovebirds its wayyyy too early for this" I hear a voice say making me jump away from Nate, I turn and see Kasey looking at the two of us with her arms crossed across her chest, "not cool Kase" I say. She laughs before walking out of our view, "where were we?" Nate asks tugging me back to his chest, "this seems like the right place" I say with a laugh while placing my hands on his biceps gently, he leans down and pecks my lips, "while I would love to stay here all day I gotta go" he tells me, "okay, see yah later" I say before letting him go, he kisses my cheek before walking away from me. I walk back into the room with a smile on my face, "you guys are so hot together" Kasey exclaims making me jump in surprise, "stop scaring me like that" I say holding a hand over my heart, "not my fault that you scare so easily" she explains with a laugh. I pout and walk over to my dresser to get an outfit out for the day.

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