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Allie's POV

"Okay which movie should we start with?" I ask Kasey and Becca as we lounge around Becca's apartment living room, "I think maybe A Cinderella Story, can't get enough of Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray" Kasey replies, "amazing choice" Becca exclaims as she pulls up the movie on her laptop. We sit back and watch the movie while painting our nails various colours, I basically know the movie word for word as I mouth the lines being said by the actors. "You've seen this movie way too many times" Kasey tells me, "I don't see how that's a problem" I say with a laugh as I finish painting my nails with a final stroke. "Let's move on to face masks, because we might as well do all the stereotypes involved with a sleepover" Becca exclaims, "i'm totally okay with that" I tell the two girls with a smile. A few minutes later we have the masks on our faces and we just have to wait for them to harden so we sit on the living room couch talking about what's been happening in our lives. "So how are you and Nate?" Becca asks me, "we're doing really good, he's been so sweet to me" I reply with a huge smile on my face, "Nate has always been really nice, he's one of those people that has a heart of gold" she tells me, "god I need to get myself a guy like that, I haven't had any luck" Kasey says, "I'm sure he'll come around girl" Becca explains with a smile, "yeah I know, i'm just impatient" she says with a laugh. We spend the rest of the night and into the morning talking and laughing before finally falling asleep in our sleeping bags.

The next morning footsteps of Becca's roommate wakes us, I groan and open my eyes, "how long were we asleep?" I ask my friends, "10 minutes" Kasey replies as she sits up, "funny it feels like 5" Becca replies. (bonus points if you know what movie this scene is from!) The three of us get up, eat a quick breakfast and finally get changed before me and Kasey pack up our things and Becca drives us back to our dorms. When she's stopped in front of our building we take our things and say goodbye with a wave. "We gotta do things like that more often" Kasey tells me as we walk into the building, "I definitely agree" I reply as I unlock our door. My eyes immediately find the box sitting on my bed, "what's that?" Kasey asks curiously, "I have no idea" I reply as I walk towards it, I drop my bag on the floor before sitting on the bed with my legs crossed as I lift the box onto my lap. I tug at the red ribbon and let it slide off the box, I lift the top off and I see a note,


I thought you would need something to wear to the hockey banquet so I took it upon myself to help you out.



I smile at the note and place it to the side as I open the tissue paper, I see something red, I touch it and feel the silky material slip trough my fingers. I take the material and lift it in front of me, I gasp at the beautiful dress in my hands, "oh my god, that's gorgeous" Kasey says, "It is" I add in awe, "who is it from?" she asks, "Nate got it for me for the hockey banquet" I reply while looking over at her, "you have to try it on" she squeals. Once i've slipped on the dress i walk back into our room, "you look smoking" Kasey exclaims with a smile, "you think" I say as I turn to the full length mirror inspecting my reflection, "Nate won't be able to keep his hands off of you" Kasey reassures me.

 Once i've slipped on the dress i walk back into our room, "you look smoking" Kasey exclaims with a smile, "you think" I say as I turn to the full length mirror inspecting my reflection, "Nate won't be able to keep his hands off of you" Kasey reas...

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A few nights later I find myself at Becca's place to get ready for the hockey banquet, "we are going to look amazing tonight" Becca says as she curls her hair, "I hope so" I reply as I finish putting makeup on, "there are no doubts, we are going to look smoking" she adds. I walk over to her and start curling my hair next to her, "so what does your dress look like?" Becca asks curiously, "you'll see" I reply mysteriously, "ugh you haven't shown me since you got it" she whines with a pout, "I will have it on in a few minutes, i'm sure you can wait that long" I tell her with a smile. Once I'm done with my hair I walk over to the dress bag hanging in Becca's closet and I take it to the washroom with me to slip it on. "Oh My God! Girl that dress fits you like a glove, Nate definitely knows what he's doing" she exclaims when I get back into the bedroom, "it's amazing isn't it" I say as I look down at the smooth fabric with a smile on my face, "he will not be able to look away from you" she tells me.

The doorbell rings and we both look towards the door in excitement, "here we go" she says before we grab our bags and walk to the door together. Becca swings the door open and steps aside to let the guys through, "you look great Becca" I hear Nate say, "I don't look as good as your girlfriend though" she explains while looking at me over his shoulder. Nate turns and he looks at me in awe, I walk over to him and smile, "hi" I say, "Allie you look gorgeous" he tells me while placing his hands on my hips, "you look pretty great yourself" I reply placing my hands on his biceps, he presses his lips to mine gently before pulling away, "we should go before I get carried away" he explains before turning to Becca and Dylan who are waiting for us by the door. "You guys ready to go?" Dylan asks, "yeah" I say as I take Nate's hand to pull him out the door.

We get to the venue of the banquet and walk into the reserved ballroom as a group, "wow they really take this seriously" I say as I look around at the various decorations in the room, "yeah this is the end of year banquet where awards are given and we celebrate the end of the season" Nate explains as he slips an arm around my waist pulling me close as we walk over to our assigned table. Nate pulls out my chair for me, I sit and smile at him, "thank you" I say, "no problem beautiful" he replies as he pushes me closer to the table and drops a kiss on my forehead. Nate sits in the seat next to me and I notice that the table is crowded with Nate's teammates sitting with their significant others. "I see the cogs moving in your brain, you have nothing to worry about, everyone is super nice" Nate whispers to me noticing that i'm quiet, "I know, I just don't want to screw it up, these guys are basically your family" I reply quietly as I turn to him, he smiles before placing a quick kiss on my lips, "i'll be here the whole time so don't worry, just be yourself" he replies once he pulls away from me, I nod and turn back to the table.

A few hours later i'm talking to various people at our table feeling like i've known them all for years, we all laugh when Nate describes some of the pranks that happened in the locker room this season, I smile at him loving how happy he looks while talking about his passion. I must've zoned everything out because Nate looks at me curiously, "what?" he asks, I snap out of my daze, "nothing I just love seeing you this happy" I explain, "I love you" he tells me, "I love you even more" I reply with a smile. "You guys are perfect" I hear Kelly, one of the girlfriends, say I blush at her compliment, "I don't think we try to be, we just give off that image" I explain with a shrug as I look at Nate. "If you guys aren't together forever i'm going to be so sad" Melissa, another girlfriend, says to us, "I don't plan on letting her go" Nate replies while keeping his gaze on me, I blush at his intense gaze. The rest of the night is filled with laughs, some speeches, awards given out and some amazing food, overall it was a great night with some great people.

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