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Allie's POV

"You sure you don't want to come Kase?" I ask my roommate as I put my finishing touches on my halloween costume, "yeah, i'm just going to chill here for the night" she replies with a smile as she walks over to me, "you look amazing Allie" she adds with a smile, "thanks" I reply matching her smile. There's a knock on our door taking me out of my trance, Kasey opens it and Becca walks in, "ready to get this party started" she exclaims happily, "as ready as i'll ever be" I explain while turning to her, "wow you look like a babe" she adds while sweeping her eyes over me, "so do you" I tell her with a smile. "See you later Kase" I yell at my roommate as I walk out of the door with Becca, we get into her car and we're off to the party.

Becca parks the car along the sidewalk behind a line of other cars and I hear the music playing as we get out of the car. "It's this way Allie" Becca explains walking towards where I assume the party is happening. "The guys are going to be waiting outside for us" Becca tells me with a smile, "I was just going to ask about them" I say with a laugh, "they would never let us go inside without them" she adds while rolling her eyes, I laugh again as we continue towards the party. We walk up to a frat house and I see all the people packed inside through the front window, I bite my lip nervously, but then I see my handsome boyfriend by the front steps talking to Becca's boyfriend Dylan. I smile at his lifeguard tank top and bright red swim trunks as we approach the two, Nate looks towards us and then back to Dylan before doing a double take, his smile widens as he watches me. Once we're close enough Becca wraps her arms around her boyfriend who smiles down at her, I look at Nate with a smile, "well put me in the box already" he exclaims while placing his hands on my hips tugging me closer to his body. "Only if you give me some mouth to mouth Mr Lifeguard" I say with a wink, his eyes widen at my statement, "that can be arranged" he replies before placing his lips on mine, my hands end up on his chest as he fully wraps his around around me. "Okay lovebirds let's go inside before you let the general public know that you guys are sleeping together" Becca says making us pull away from each other.

Once we walk into the house full of people I scrunch my nose up at the horrible smell, Nate laughs at my expression and I look over at him, "what?" I ask, "that face you made was so adorable" he explains while throwing an arm across my shoulders and pulling me to his side. "It smells horrible, that's the reason for the expression, I wouldn't call it adorable" I tell him, "I would definitely call it adorable" he adds before planting a kiss on my forehead, I smile at the gesture as we keep walking through the crowded house. We end up in the less crowded kitchen, Nate grabs a beer, "what do you want to drink?" He asks me, "just a water" I reply, he opens the fridge and digs around for a sec before handing me a sealed water bottle, "thanks" I tell him with a smile, "anything for you" he replies before pecking my lips gently.

A few hours later we find ourselves on the make shift dance floor, Nate has his hands on my lower back and my arms are around his neck as we dance to the music. I look up at him happily, he matches my smile and leans down placing his lips on mine, I relax into him. He pulls away, "want to get out of here?" He whispers to me, I bite my lip and nod at him. Before I know it we're sitting in a booth at a nearby diner, and I have a burger and fries in front of me, Nate is watching me with a smile on his face, "what?" I ask as I swallow my bite, "I like that you don't hold back because you're with me" he replies, "believe me I probably will never hold back when it comes to food" I explain as I shove some fries in my mouth. Nate brings a hand up to me face and wipes some ketchup from the side of my mouth, I blush at the action, "I love you so much" he tells me, "I love you too Nate" I say as I lean over the table and kiss him gently.

When we finish eating and walk outside my eyes light up when I spot an ice cream shop a few doors down, "can we go get ice cream?" I ask stopping my boyfriend from walking towards the car, he looks down at me and I give him a puppy dog face hoping he'll cave, he leans down and grabs the back of my neck placing his lips on mine, my arms wrap around his waist as we stand in the middle of the sidewalk kissing. After a few minutes Nate pulls away, I try to catch my breath as I keep my gaze on him, "I needed to do that, your costume is killing me" he explains, I bite my lip as I blush and look away from him. "Let's go get some ice cream, my beautiful girlfriend can't live without it" he explains after one final kiss as he takes my hand and starts pulling me to the shop.

"I can't believe you got us kicked out, that's my favourite ice cream place" I say to Nate as we walk out of the shop, "excuse you, I'm not the one that smeared ice cream on a person's face" he exclaims with a grin on his face, "what are you talking about I did nothing of that sort" I tell him innocently, "yeah okay keep lying to yourself" he explains, I shove him as we walk back to his car. He throws his arm across my shoulders as we walk, I lean into him slightly enjoying the warmth he provides. When we get to the car he opens the passenger door for me, "thanks" I say while getting into the car, he smiles at me before closing the door and jogging to the drivers side. He slides into the seat with a smile, "where to?" he asks me, "my dorm" I reply before we fasten our seat belts. He starts the car and we head back towards campus.

***** ***** *****

Once I open the door to the room I run to my bed and flop down on it happily, "i've missed you" I mumble into the bed. "Stop checking me out Nate" I say to my boyfriend, "how did you even know?" he asks me with a groan, "I didn't know, it was purely a guess" I reply while flipping onto my back to see him, "how can I not checkout my girlfriend when she is looking absolutely gorgeous" he exclaims, I blush and look away from him. I don't hear his footsteps so I squeal when hands come to my waist and lift me off the bed, he throws me over his shoulder and I hit his back, "put me down you goof" I say, "nope, you're all mine" he replies and I know there's a smirk on his face, I pout and give up trying to fight him. He throws me back onto the bed but this time he joins me with a smile on his face, "that wasn't very nice" I tell him, "are you going to punish me Allie?" he asks, I bite my lip and I watch as his eyes zero in on the action, "I might, I haven't decided" I explain to him as he climbs over me with his hands on either side of my head to hold up his weight over me.

The door swings open at that point and Nate flops next to me on the bed, "hey Kase" I say when my roommate walks in, "hey guys" she exclaims with a smile, "how was the party?" she adds, "it wasn't anything special we ended up getting burgers and ice cream" I reply with a shrug as I sit up, "nice" she exclaims, "yep" I say. "I better go" Nate explains as he gets up off my bed, "okay, thanks for letting me drag you to get food" I say to him with a smile, "anytime" he replies before planting a kiss on my lips while holding my head in his hands, he pulls away, "we'll need to finish what we started some other time" he tells me quietly with a wink, I blush at his words but nod nonetheless, he kisses me one last time before walking out the door. I smile as I think of the fun we had tonight, "you guys are couple goals" Kasey tells me with a smile, "we try" I say with a laugh.

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