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it rained on the day phil got back.

fall was arriving, and the seasons liked to present themselves strongly where they lived. dan liked the rain, though. he liked the way it felt on his skin, pattering against his head, making his hair fall in his eyes in long curly strands.

elias called him that morning, letting him know that phil would be getting home. dan's heart burst and he couldn't stop smiling all morning. he got dressed quickly in a sweater he knew phil liked and his favorite skirt, sneaking an umbrella from his fathers study and making his way over to phil's house.

phil's parents greeted him with donuts and hot chocolate, insisting he sit by the fire and dry off. dan was bouncing the whole time, his whole body flowing with warm adrenaline and joy.

he hadn't properly understood how much phil really meant to him until he had left.

finally howard pulled back from the window, which was streaked with rain drops, beaming in dan's direction.

"he's here."

dan brightened instantly, jumping up so quickly that he felt lightheaded and he nearly toppled over like a chair missing a leg. elias laughed at him.

dan rushed to the window, his heart racing, pounding against his ribs. what would phil do when he saw him? would he be as happy as dan was? would he kiss him? the thought brought blood to dan's cheeks and he flushed pink.

the blue bus pulled up outside the house, and the doors slid open. the side of the vehicle was decorated with words like fun! and friendship! and happiness!, which dan found ironic considering the camp had stollen those things from him.

dan saw movement as someone came down the steps, and they hopped down, their feet splashing in a puddle at their feet.

but... that wasn't phil.

technically it was, dan could see it in his shape and the way the figure held himself, but... it wasn't him. he didn't have a smile on his face, he had a frown, he looked almost tense. he looked up, his icy eyes searching the terrain, holding up a hand to shield himself from the frigid rain.

his hair was black. that was half of the reason dan didn't recognize him. his hair was pitch black, hanging in his eyes, water dripping from his eyelashes.

dan heard someone suck in a sharp breath next to him, presumably howard. so they hadn't known, either.

dan blinked, stepping back from the glass that was slightly foggy from his breath, confused and a little scared. why wouldn't phil be happy to be home?

phil made his way to his front door, taking his time. dan frowned, shaking.

the door swung open, and the boy closed it behind him before even looking inside. the room was silent for a long moment.

"phil," elias said finally, clearly only trying to break the tension, but it didn't work. dan felt like he was drowning.

"hi," phil answered, pushing his hands into his pockets, but not before dan noticed he was shaking too. maybe he was cold.

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