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"he's just moody." elias set down a mug of tea, sliding it across the table to dan. "he's a teenager. i imagine you'll be like that soon too."

dan scrunched his nose and took a sip. it was very strong tea, licorice, but dan liked it. flavor burst on his tongue.

"i d-don't want to be like that."

elias nodded with a soft huff, running his hand over his face. "yeah, i can imagine."

dan struggled not to cry again. the past few months had left him almost constantly on the verge of tears, and it sucked. now, amidst the plethora of other insults used against him for six hours a day, cry baby was a prominent one. he rubbed at his eyes as if he was sleepy.

"i j-just want him to like me again..."

"oh, dan..." elias shook his head sadly, pressing his lips together. "he does like you. he just doesn't really know it right now."

dan nodded shakily. he had been fighting with himself for the past hour; should he tell elias what he had seen? that phil was smoking now, that he was spending time with those people? it just seemed so severe, how he had changed- dan felt so young and helpless when it came to these things. he was only thirteen...

dan had seen fifteen year olds smoke before, obviously. he still just didn't understand it. he wouldn't ever do that- maybe that was why he didn't understand.

"elias?" he said softly. as much as he didn't want to be a rat, he wanted phil to be safe even more. over everything. the man looked up from his tea.

"yeah, dan?"

dan chewed on his lip anxiously. "i..." he hesitated. "i s-saw phil smoking the other day."

elias's eyes widened and he stared at him. "what? are you serious?"

dan nodded mutely. elias's brow furrowed and he leaned back in his seat, rubbing at his temple. "jesus christ, what are we gonna do with that kid?" dan heard him mumble.

then the front door slammed. dan nearly jumped off the chair, all of his nerves shot. elias gave him a pitying look.

"go, go," he whispered. "i'll deal with him."

dan stood up, rushing to the back door. as he closed it behind him he heard elias's accusing, deep voice (that he hardly used on anyone)- "phil! come in here!"

dan ran home.

phil found him at school the next day. dan knew it was trouble as soon as he saw his face. threatening, angry. he looked like the embodiment of hate. dan flinched, cowering against the lockers.

phil immediately grabbed a handful of his hair, yanking him toward him and holding him there. dan cried out, his eyes already stinging with tears.

"what the fuck did you do, you stupid fucking-"

dan winced. phil's voice was half an octave short of a growl, if he hadn't been nearly shouting. dan had never heard him so mad, he had always been able to control his temper when they was younger.

"i'm s-sorry! i j-just wanted to help," dan half-sobbed, his hands coming up to cover his face. phil forced his wrists away. their faces were inches away, but not in the way dan would have liked.

"you didn't help," he hissed. "you got me in trouble, dan, jesus. learn to keep your mouth shut."

phil dropped him, and aimed a hard kick at his stomach, landing spot on. dan cried out in pain, rolling onto his side and curling up in a protective ball, sobbing. phil had never laid a hand on him in a negative way, it felt like fire and ice beating down on his skin, burning him up from the inside.

he heard phil storm off but he didn't move, couldn't move. kids came and went, stopped to stare or call names or try to help and ask him what was wrong. dan didn't acknowledge, didn't speak or move, and they all kept moving eventually.

maybe that was the way dan should handle things. fuck being nice, or trying to make friends.

maybe if he just ignored the world, the world would go away.

after what felt like an incredibly long time, someone tapped his shoulder. dan sighed shakily, rolling onto his back, which made him flinch in pain.

it was the kid from the other day, with the blond hair and not-phil eyes.

dan let him help him up.

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