Chapter one

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Juliet's POV

I looked at my image forming at the mirror. It was a miracle there was mirrors at this dark place in the world. I had never understood the reason why my step father had decided to base his company to the dark continent. I wouldn't give a blind eye to the wealth he had gained but why did it have to be in Africa? I had asked not only myself but also my step father that question and I had nothing for an answer.

The tan skinned girl looked back at me. She had wavy black hair that reached to her chest. She had blue eyes that had impressed a lot of people. She had perfect cheekbones that clenched now and then due to anger. She wore a purple dress which she had been forced to wear. She was petite but had curves on her body especially when it came to her waist. Then a man that I hated appeared behind her and turned around and looked at the devil himself standing in front of me.

He was a tall,pale skinny man and his bushy moustache always freaked me out but I never gave him the satisfaction that I was afraid of him. Actually,the only thing I showed towards him was anger and hatred which were really good emotions to show towards a person. The grin always on his face made me want to punch it off his face but I knew I would be in trouble especially with my mother who was back in London.

He placed his hands on my shoulder which was an action meant to make me look towards him but I didn't. All my mind was thinking of was how I could painfully cut those long fingers of his from my body. His grip got tighter and I raised my head and looked at him challengingly.

"What do you want?" I asked making sure my voice was filled with anger and that it dripped of hatred. He smiled at the question which was a bit disturbing since he exposed his yellow stained teeth. Luckily for me,I didn't vomit and the sight of his teeth made me wonder how my mother kissed him and still be alive.

''Checking whether you are ready." His voice boomed in my ears due to the close proximity and I took a step behind. Even my brain cells celebrated for that move. Am pretty sure some of my brain cells died every time I saw him.

"You mean that you are here to check how a living hell you have made my life be?" I asked in anger and yet his smile broadened even more thus exposing his disturbing sight of his teeth even more.

"Where is the love that a father should get from his daughter?" He asked as he looked at me keenly.

"First of all,am not your daughter and my father died and so did the love I had for a father. Second,who would ever love you?" I asked knowing I had wounded a place in his heart. His eyes seemed to be filled with rage by the question and I did a happy dance in my mind. I know the last part of my statement had hurt him.

"To answer your question,your mother loves me." He said and that's when I burst in laughter. I laughed for a while knowing how I was annoying him. When I was done,I looked at him and said the obvious.

"You do know my mother married you since she had no other alternative. She married you since she needed a roof above her and me so don't make laugh by saying she loves you."

He looked hurt and he seemed uncomfortable talking about that topic so he decided to talk about what had brought him to my room.

"We have an hour before the meeting begins. Now that you are prepared, I need to put some things clear for you. You need to be at your best behavior." I snorted at that. "What I mean is behave like a proper English woman since your best behavior would be that of a harlot." He said with a smile.   

How dare he,I thought as I found myself clenching my fists. It took my will not to punch him.

"Second is that this is an important and I repeat, very important thing for me so don't mess anything up." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He didn't want me to mess anything up yet he...

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