Chapter two

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Juliet's POV

I looked at my stepfather and all I could think of was the many ways I could kill him and get away with it. Cutting his throat in his sleep but that would look like me and if I was to kill him,I had to make sure that I was no where in the picture. What if I shot him while having lunch? But again,it obviously sounded like me. Plus,I had used that threat to scare most of my suitors that came my way. Maybe if I used that threat on my forced suitor,it would send him running to the hills but then I remembered he was as uncomfortable with the marriage as I was.

"There is my girl." He said with a smile on his face. I really wasn't uncomfortable with him calling me his girl but what I was uncomfortable with was his exposed teeth when he smiled. I glared at him hoping that I was sending the right message which was to go and f*** himself(thanks to the captain of the ship I had travelled in,I had really improved my vocabulary.)

"Why are you in such a dark mood,you should be happy. Isn't it such a beautiful day,the sun shining bright and the clean air in the African tropical climate?" He said with an expression that would leave all poets thinking he was their better. I only frowned at what he said,a beautiful day he said,I was really shooting his brains out in lunch. Problem is,where do I get the gun? Then I remembered what perverts my father's company had for workers and with my girl power,I could easily get a gun from one of them. Then I remembered that I was supposed to be an engaged woman and I hated my stepfather the more.

"Because unlike you,I have a brain that tells me getting married to a black man is something to kill myself for." I said in my most scariest tone that I could ever muster. It worked for a while as I saw my stepfather look at me like a prey looking at a predator but he recovered and smiled and as usual making me feel like vomiting all over him. I think that I would talk to the lawmakers to make a law of banning my stupid stepfather from smiling.

"Juliet Jackson, I have always adored your humour." He said as he laughed but I wasn't joking.

"Am serious, I would rather marry that lieutenant Gabriel than this ... Amo." I said and he laughed even more. Lieutenant Gabriel was someone that had offered his hand for marriage but no sane English girl would accept him. First of all was his ego. Am pretty sure his ego was bigger than the Himalayas. All he did was talk about himself which was not pleasing and obviously most of the stories made up. Second was his physical appearance and it made me wonder how the British army recruited its army. He was thin,really thin that I was sure he carried stones in his pockets to prevent him from been blown away by the wind. You might have thought with such a thin body his head would be proportional but that wasn't the case. His head was pretty big and its width was larger than that of his body. His ears were big that whenever a wind blew,they would start flapping. His nose was long and sharp and it made me wonder how he planned on kissing his bride. His mouth was something else that I can't describe using words but just know that I would rather look at my stepfather's teeth all day than look at his mouth for one minute. I had become desperate that the lieutenant Gabriel would be a better option compared to Amo or what his name was.

"Like I said,I like your humour." He said still laughing.

"Anyway,"he said when he recovered from the laughter,"you have saved my company. Because of you,my company will be among the richest thus making me among the richest men in the British empire."

He started walking and beckoned for me to start walking. We were still in the village and the only thing I wanted to do was get back at the company's camp and shower. As we walked,we received stares from the residents of the village. The old men had an animal skin that started from the waist and ended at the ankles. They also walked with a walking stick was was properly and artistically carved from wood. From what I had learned,they were supposed to be the wisest people in the tribe. The old women had an animal skin that started from their chests to their ankles and just like their counterparts, they also had walking sticks. The younger men had the animal skin ending at their mid thigh thus exposing most of their muscular bodies. The younger women had an animal skin that covered their chests only thus exposing their bellies and the other starting at their waists and ending at their mid thighs. Most had piercings on their dark skins and other ornaments like the earrings. For the children,let's say they walked dressed as they were in their mothers' wombs.

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