Chapter three

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Juliet's POV

I looked at him,really looked at him. He stood there beside me with his arms crossed and a glare on his face. He was really muscular once you looked at him at a close proximity. Those biceps and triceps made my female hormones start to do something I swore I had never felt before. When my eyes dropped at his belly,I regretted because his well toned eight pack was something Michelangelo could make a sculpture of. He was tall especially when I looked at him from a lying position as I was still lying on the ground. His hair was soaked with water and his attempt to wriggle water from his hair by shaking his head bore no fruits as his hair was still dripping water. His dark complexion seemed to glow in the afternoon sunlight which was mesmerizing. He looked like a statue of a Greek god or a statue of a Greek god in a black version. He seemed not to move and that made him resemble a statue or a stone sculpture.

I felt quite scared especially with his glare that seemed to cut through me cast down on me. No man and I repeat no man had ever scared me the way he did. His eyes only seemed to glow of one emotion which was hate and the hate seemed to be towards the one and only Juliet Jackson aka me. His eyes never left me and he never blinked which was really disturbing especially when it came from a man who had been forced to marry me. I felt as if his glare reduced me into a four year old girl which was rather upsetting. I got tired of looking back at him since I had clearly lost the glaring contest. My eyes decided to turn their attention from him and onto me.

I slowly rose up and I really couldn't believe how tall he was. I only reached his chest,his really muscular chest which made me think thoughts that I was sure the priest Samuel wouldn't be proud of. I quickly kicked the thoughts from my head as I turned my mind's attention to my appearance. My dress was still wet and it clung onto me like a second skin thus showing off my curves that I really didn't know I had until then. My hair was still dripping with water and it would really take a long time to dry due to its wavy and long nature. I raised my hand and touched it only to realise that dry leaves and grass had become entangled in my hair. Frustrated, I ran my fingers all over my hair in a wild manner but as long as I was presentable, I didn't care. For the first time ever,I became worried of how I looked. I wanted to become as presentably beautiful as any English girl would want. I couldn't believe that I was trying to become presentable for a man especially the man who was standing before me.

He still was standing there and nothing of his body had moved,not even his eyes had moved from me. He was like a stone statue with no life as he stood there without moving even a muscle. His icy glare would have froze anyone but the reason I was still unfrozen was because I was really hot. I wasn't hot in a metamorphic way but hot literally. I hadn't realised until then that my body temperatures had risen and I was sweating as if I had walked through the sahara desert. I couldn't understand what my body was going through but what I understood was that it was caused by him. He seemed not affected by my glare that I had decided to cast him. I mustered all of my strength and readied my body for the worst and coldest glare in my life but not even that seemed to move him. He just stood there like a lifeless stone statue. If that glare couldn't affect him,I was sure and I could bet my life on it that a hundred feet tall fire breathing dragon wouldn't affect him.

I then decided to be as polite as my mother had taught me. She had always said that a girl's good manners would break through into a man's heart. I hoped that my good manners would not only break my way into his heart but also break him into pieces thus causing his death. At least nobody would know it was me since I really couldn't kill a person with kindness. I mustered all my will and gave the widest smile I had ever given to anyone which was too much as I could feel the corners of my mouth protesting that they would tear. After giving the widest smile ever,I raised my hand hoping that I would get a handshake. It felt as if hours had passed since I had raised my hand for a handshake that never happened. He just stood there doing nothing and it really,really really really pissed me off. I had for the first time in my life acted like a proper English girl yet he didn't appreciate my efforts and that's when all hell broke loose and the true Juliet Jackson exposed herself.

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