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Chae Young

The annoying melody that woke me up every school day went off and I sighed. That annoying melody made me want to jump off a bridge because it reminded me of school.

I groaned as I hit the snooze button and smiled- falling back asleep. Very distantly I heard someone yell my name very dramatically. "Chae Young!" Jungkook was standing in front of me- tickling me and I laughed like there was no tomorrow.

"Chae young! Wake up! I won't ask again!" Jungkook disappeared and my mom replaced him. My eyes shot open as I realized it wasn't real and that my mother was waking me up which meant that I was fucked- meaning I'm late for school.

"Chae Young- it's already twenty to nine! You're running late!" I quickly got out of my bed and ran towards the bathroom and quickly did my morning routine.

When I was finally done with getting dressed and the stuff I normally do- I ran downstairs and grabbed a banana and begged my mom to take me to school. "Please mom!" I begged and she gave in and grabbed her car keys. When we were finally in the car it was already ten past nine.

"How come you woke up so late? Did you stay up late?" My mom asked being concerned. "I was just tired I guess." Plus I had my massive headaches- but I didn't want to scare her even more so I kept quiet. "Okay sweetheart- if you ever want to talk you can talk to me about it, okay?" I nodded as I gave her a smile.

I arrived at school and entered the school as quickly as I could. The halls were empty except for the few papers lingering around the halls that were probably from students.

I quickly ran towards my locker and opened the locker up. A small note fell out and I picked it up.

"I feel like a coward, writing this note to you anonymously.
But I you a lot and you make me things I shouldn't feel.

Love, J."

I felt my blood rush towards my cheek and felt my cheeks light up. This is the second note I received and I still wondered who it was from. I put the bye in the back of my backpack so I wouldn't lose it and walked up to my first period.

I had history for my first period so that meant I had to sit next to Jimin since it was my assigned seat. I sprinted towards my history class and when I arrived- I entered the classroom while trying to catch my breath from sprinting.

I should really work on my condition- damn.

"Sorry for not being on time sir." I apologize. My teacher didn't even look my way before sighing. "Just go sit down next to mr. Park." I nodded as I quickly ran over to my seat next to Jimin.

"Did you oversleep again?" He whispered to me as he chuckled. "Yeah." I sighed. "Wait- what do you mean 'again'?" How did he know that I oversleep a lot of time?

"Because I sit next to you and you're literally known for oversleeping and getting good grades." oh. "okay well anyways- leave me alone because I need to pay attention in history!"

"Okay Chae Young- or should I say Fox now?" Jimin teased, referring to the Fox mask that I received.
"Ssh! Shut up! I don't want people to find out!" I shushed him as I put
my hand over his mouth.

Ha-Eun, who was sitting in front of me and Jimin, turned around and looked me straight in the eye, looking interested. "What don't you want people to find out, Chae Young?" Ha-eun asked as she spit out my name like it was venom.

"Nothing." I replied with a fake smile plastered on my face. She turned her head towards Jimin's face. "Oppa~ tell me please." Jimin, being one of the nicest Fuckboy out BTS suddenly turned scary real quick.

"Mind your own business for once, Ha-Eun, you wouldn't want people to find out about your secret, would you?" He threatened. Jimin wasn't even threatening me yet I felt attached too.

Ha-Eun her fake smile dropped and fear was plastered all over her face. "You wouldn't dare." The fear in her face now disappeared and was replaced with anger.

"You know what I'm capable of, Ha-Eun. Be wise." Ha-Eun quickly turned to me and said: "meet me at the girls toilet in third period." My eyes furrowed in confusion.

"Why." I simply asked. "You'll see." And with that she turned back around. Jimin looked at me and gave me his soft smile. "You don't have to go." He assured and I laughed. "Of course I will go- I need to know what she wants."

"This is why you're apart of AML." He whispered the last part and I smiled.

Now let's see what Ha-Eun wants.




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