thirty eight

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I got myself together and sighed. Then, I ran after Jungkook who had ran out of his own house. I followed him but as soon as I was out the door, he was nowhere to be seen. The music was still blasting through the house, but I was so focused on Jungkook, that I didn't even hear it.

The street lights were shining down onto the road and the night shimmer could be seen shining through the street lights. I then remember that there was a small hangout place that Jungkook and I used to go to. I immediately ran towards that place, not even thinking straight.

I kept running until I reached the place. Memories started to flood back into my mind. I inhaled the scent of the trees that were placed right next to the small river that flooded around this hangout place. 

Flowers were sleeping underneath my feet as I looked around, looking for the boy that shined so bright in my eyes. My heart started aching since I didn't see him anywhere. Then I heard someone crying- at least that was what it sounded like.

"Jungkook?" I called out his name and the noise stopped. I followed the path that lead to the noise, and there he was, sitting on the cold ground as he cried while watching the moonlight shine down onto him.

He noticed me and didn't do anything, he didn't even bother to look me into my eyes. I went to sit down right beside of him. Silence took over as we watched the moonlight shine down onto the water that was streaming right in front of us.

"I'm so sorry." I began and he didn't say anything. "I'm so sorry for being so ignorant and I'm sorry for  hurting you like that. I'm not that person anymore and I never  wish to be that person ever again. I was young too and thought the best way to live life was..was to completely fuck it up. I never felt anything when I kissed other people, and that's why I kept kissing and fucking up other people because they couldn't make me feel anything. But you do, and I know that there isn't an excuse for what I have done, but please accept my apology." I spoke up and continued.

"Know that I..I love you. And if you can't return those feelings because of what I did to you, I will understand that. I will accept your decision, but know that you will always be my bunny." I smiled as I spoke out his nickname. I was about to stand up and leave him alone with his thoughts, but he quickly spoke up. "Don't. Stay."

I went to sit back down and again, the silence took over just like fog took over the entire place we were at. "You always called me the fuckboy..but you were always the fuckgirl. You were the one breaking others like it was easy, you were a real heartache." Jungkook admitted and I sighed.

"I know. I truly know that but since the accident, I have changed. Shit made me realize things. But, you have hurt me a couple times too, Jungkook." Both of us were silent again.

"I guess we are just fucking shitty." I softly laughed at his statement, and so did he. He then started resting his head on my shoulder.

"I love you too..noona." A smile creeped onto my face. "Let's be shitty together, bunny." My hand then started holding his hand as we entwistled our fingers together. "You want to try again?" I asked him and he looked up at him, with his clear eyes.

"I..It's going to be hard..But we will make it work." For once I didn't see the playful, charming, badass Jungkook. I saw the pure, sensitive and easily hurt Jungkook. His eyes all gave it away. 

I brought my hand up to his cheek and caressed it. Jungkook brought his hand to my hand that was caressing his face and smiled. "Isn't it quite funny, though?" He asked and I looked confused at him.

"Hmm..What's funny?"

"That the fuckgirl falls for the fuckboy." We both softly laughed as we were in each others embrace. Peace and silence fell again since we didn't need to exchange words. 


i french kissed etc ( 3 times may i add, )with one of my girl friends, at a sleepover  in front of my other girl friends

holy fuck 

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