thirty two

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Ha-Eun and I were still hanging out at what used to be our hangout spot. We had been laughing and smiling like idiots as we kept recalling memories, things we had done together.


"Ahh, it's getting late..but I like staying up with you!" Fifteen year old me giggled as I stared at Ha-Eun, who was also giggling. The two of us were having a sleepover and it was way past our bedtime, but we didn't care at all.

"I like staying up with you but I'm getting bored..Want to play a game?" Ha-Eun suggested and I instantly nodded my head. "What about truth or dare?" I proposed as I smiled. Ha-Eun clapped her hands, letting me know she liked my idea.

"Okay..I'll start. Truth or dare, Chae." I put on my thinking face before answering. "Ah..Truth!" She sighed as she was thinking of a question to ask me. A few minutes passed before she finally squealed, meaning she came up with a question.

"I got a good question! someone from BTS?" I was startled when she asked me and I immediately answered. "No! Of course not!" But the blush on my cheeks was telling me otherwise. "Ah you do! Tell me, who is it?!" I started playing around with my fingers, hesitating if I should tell her.

So I did. I told her because why wouldn't I? She was my best friend after all, of course I could trust her.


"You always had a little crush on Jungkook." Ha-Eun continued her little sentence, making me her arm softly. "Keyword 'had'. Things have changed." I said as the subject that was brought up immediately had changed my mood.

"Ah..Talking about Jungkook..Sorry for kissing him and..I have to admit something. I also slept with him." A blush creeped onto her face, a blush that wasn't from love or crushing on someone, it was a blush out of being ashamed.

"It's..okay." Those two words left my mouth with much difficulty. "No it isn't. It isn't okay at all. I just wanted to feel loved by someone, even though I don't feel any love towards Jungkook, and he doesn't either for me. My heart belongs to someone else, but that someone else hates me." Ha-Eun sadly spoke up.

"Jimin?" I asked her and she nodded her head. "Speaking of Jimin, I'm sorry about what happened when we were sixteen. It wasn't very kind of me." I apologized and she smiled.

"Chae, that happend a long time ago. We were kids, I get it." We hugged each other and I sighed. "Things haven't really changed, right?" I asked and Ha-Eun giggled in agreement.

"Also..Chae, can I ask you something?" I nodded my head, waiting for her to ask the question. "Did you hack into Jungkook's camera?" I bit my lip and mumbled out a soft 'yes'.

"I KNEW IT!" Ha-Eun yelled out as she flipped her hair. I laughed at her actions. We kept talking for a bit about shit until I saw I had to go back home since my mom was probably worried by now.

"Also, don't let BTS know that I've got my memory back, and act like a bitch towards me, okay?" Ha-Eun nodded and we bid our goodbye's.


"PARK CHAEYOUNG!" My mom yelled at me when I stepped my feet into my house. "You can't just run away like that! Not like last time!" The look on her face was worry, a lot of worry and I hugged her. "No worries, mom, I'm okay."

I had a long time after that with my mom and after that talk I went back to my bedroom. I noticed that hours had passed and I felt tired. I went to lay down onto my bed and closed my eyes, waiting to drift off the dreamland.

"Noona.." His angelic voice spoke up and there he was. My boy. Standing in the flower field with a huge smile on his face. I ran towards him and hugged him. "Bunny!" I looked him in his eyes that shined so beautiful. "I miss you." I admitted as I kept hugging him.

"I miss you, noona." He then stopped our hugg and looked my in the eyes as he lifted up my chin, forcing me to look up at him. "..You're so beautiful." After those words left my mouth he smiled and leaned in.

Our lips were close to touching, and when they were about to touch he pulled away. "Too bad this isn't real."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I frowned, wanting to taste his lips. "This isn't real. This is a dream. I'm not Jungkook, I'm just your imagination."

Suddenly the flower field and Jungkook disappeared and I was left alone. I looked around me and saw there was nothing except for the blackness that was surrounding me. "Hello? Jungkook?!" I yelled but I got no response.

I was all alone.

I then woke up, as my heart felt full of sadness. The first thing I did when I woke up was cry. I let the tears stream down my face. "Jeon Jungkook.." I let out all my feelings and kept crying until I felt empty.

"I hate you."

reading this back one year ago wtf was I thinking

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