Chapter One ~ Belief

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I put my head down on my book, exhausted. I had been doing my summer homework for a couple of hours, and I had originally planned to be done with it by now. We had to do a full length essay on the book Hatchet just to prove we read it. I'd wanted to do it tomorrow, since today was my birthday, and having homework on your birthday was never much fun. Especially when your birthday is during the summer. But my parents wanted me to finish it today. School started relatively soon and they were adamant on me leaving the house more. I had used my essay as an excuse. They had fixed that.

I grabbed my Harry Potter book and flipped it open, reading it for the umpteenth time. These books calmed me down, they were my escape. I opened the book, and the rest of my world dissolved, I was suddenly part of the Wizarding world, not the boring 'muggle' one. I was rereading the third book, and was content to sit and read all night. I was so entranced by the story the words wove together that I nearly missed the large barn owl fly into my bedroom.

A loud, impatient hoot pulled me back to my sad reality. I looked up to meet the owls gaze, my jaw practically hitting the floor in surprise. The owl stuck it's leg out, presenting me with a white letter. I looked back at the owl, then once again at the letter. I untied the cord with fumbling fingers. Maybe I've fallen to sleep! This cannot be happening! In what world does an owl fly into your bedroom window holding a letter?! I reasoned with myself, flabbergasted. 'The Wizarding world'. A smug voice responded.

I flipped the letter over, praying I would see what I wanted. And I did.

On the back of the envelope was the Hogwarts crest.

I ripped open the letter and read . . .


Headmistress: Minerva McGonagall

Dear Miss. Wright,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.
Yours sincerely,
Neville Longbottom

Neville Longbottom
Deputy Headmaster

I took a deep breath, then let out a muffled scream of excitement. I tore from my bedroom, letter in hand. "Mom! Dad! Look! Look!" I shoved my letter in my parent's faces, both went crosseyed trying to see what I was holding.

"Cool! Did ya print it out?" My father asked with fake enthusiasm.

"Wha — No! An owl just delivered it!" My mother scoffed and my father frowned.

"Sage...what have we told you about lying?" My prim and proper mother asked, her voice reflecting the angry look in her eyes.

"But it's true!" I insisted, spilling my emotions into my voice. "I'm not lying there's an owl in my bedroom!"

"That's enough! We have told you countless times not to lie to us! Go! You're grounded" I groaned and stomped up the stairs without a backwards glance. Why did they never believe me? One time when I was little I was swinging on the playground with my friends. We were seeing who could jump the farthest, and I launched myself way farther than I should've been able to, I had practically flown! There were plenty other countless things like that. I would tell my parents, and they would accuse me of lying, then ground me.

I slammed the door, stomping into my room. A flutter at my desk caught my attention. The barn owl was still patiently sitting in front of the window. A sudden idea popped to mind. I grabbed a piece of paper and pen, then I began to write.

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