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The year passed quickly. Too quick. I invited Eliza to come with me when I went home for Christmas. She said no and stayed at school. She wasn't quite the same when we came back. She was quiet and she didn't smile as much. We worried, but as soon as we got back, teachers began stressing the importance of finals. Our workload doubled and the stress tripled.

Harry Potter left before Halloween and Albus became happier as the year progressed.

Most of us grew closer to Lorcan and Lysander. Eliza was drifting away, though.

Albus, Scorpius, Lorcan, Lysander, and I were inseparable once the year ended.

Eliza was nowhere to be seen as we sat down for our last meal together. Scorpius and Albus were both picking at their food sadly.

"Come on, you two. It's only for a little while. We'll still send owls and maybe we can meet up in Diagon Alley," I prompted, nudging Scorpius with my elbow.

"I know. It's just —" Albus cut off quickly. "Eliza's coming!" He smiled and waved her over.

She had tears brimming her eyes and her lip quivered as it held off a barely subdued sob.

"E?" Scorpius asked turning around to face her.

"Are you okay?" I added, standing up.

She bit her lip and shook her head. She forced a smile. "I'm not going to be on the train. I have someone picking me up straight from the school." She nodded her head and then turned to leave.

"Eliza!" I called, popping off of the bench and waking towards her. "I'll miss you," I insisted, pulling her into a hug. She patted my back awkwardly.

"I'll miss you too. Stay safe this summer." She turned once more to leave.

"Write over the break!" I called, cupping my hands around my mouth. "I'll see you next year!" Eliza didn't turn around or even acknowledge that she'd heard me. I sighed and went back to my seat.

"Well?" Scorpius prompted.

"She's acting weird," I sighed. "Weirder than usual, that is."

"I wish we knew what was going on."

"As do I, Scor, but, maybe — maybe she's just changed."

"I don't understand," Scorpius said, picking at his roll.

"Maybe nothing's going on," I explained. "Maybe she's just changed. Nobody stays the exact same person forever."

Scorpius shrugged. "Yeah, maybe."

"Plus," I added. "We're all going through puberty. So changes are bound to happen."

"Sage, really?!" — "That's gross!" The boys protested, wrinkling their noses.

"What?!" I laughed. "It's true!"


We stood on the platform silently, waiting for the train. Most of the other students were consumed in their own conversation, but the five of us stood without a word.

We were all thinking about Eliza.

Would she come back next year? Would she actually write to us?

The train pulled into the station with a whistle.

"All right, seventh year students board firs'!" Hagrid called over the writhing mass of the student body. We all stood to the side as a group of students stepped onto the train.

"I guess were last," Lorcan muttered, kicking at the ground.

"I guess." Albus shrugged. "It doesn't really matter, I don't think. There's not enough students to take up all the empty compartments if they sit at least three to one." Lysander glanced over at Albus with a smile.

The New Beginning: Planting Sage Where stories live. Discover now