Chapter Two ~ Diagon Alley

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We walked as fast as we could without running. I looked into as many shops possible as we passed them, fawning over the merchandise as well as all the witches and wizards running the stores. Other kids my age were buying their school supplies, and paid Hermione and me no heed as we passed.

The joke shop came into view as we turned a corner. "Ron's at home getting my daughter, Rose, ready for Hogwarts, so we won't see him today." Hermione informed my as we stopped in front of the shop. "I would recommend not buying much . . . but how about a special treat on me for your birthday?" I gazed at Hermione opened mouthed. This powerful woman, I didn't even really know, was offering to buy me a birthday present!

A smile spread across my face. "Can I get a Pygmy Puff?" I asked excitedly. She shrugged and nodded before walking towards the door. I followed close behind. Once we were inside, I had to jog to keep up with her long strides. She seemed to immediately find the person she was looking for.

"Mr. Weasley, get over here and give me a hug!" She shouted, a wide, prideful smile on her face. He strode over, and my smile grew as big as her's. He had long, fiery red hair pulled back into a small ponytail. He was also supporting a large set of wizarding robes. "My friend here would like a Pygmy Puff . . . it's on me." She added. I bit the inside of my cheek as George looked down at me. Though he was missing an ear, he was still extremely handsome. It was obvious he knew how to wear his age like a fancy pair of trousers.

"And what is your name, miss?" He asked cheerfully as we walked towards the back of the store, leaving Hermione to watch the kids walk by with their parents.

"Sage Wright." I blushed a bit. "And your George Weasley." He looked at me grinning.

"Hmm, impressive!" He looked me up and down again. "Your a muggle-born aren't you? You're too professionally dressed to be born a witch." I smiled again as I nodded.

"How did you know my name? Did Hermione tell you?" He asked, his smile going from ear to . . . hole?

"Uh . . . actually, I could probably name your entire family . . . I'm a bit of a fan." My face turned red with embarrassment.

"Go on! Give it a go!" He replied, jauntily, obviously expecting a bluff.

"Well your mother's name is Molly Weasley, and your father's name is Arthur Weasley." Already his mouth was starting to open. "Then Bill is your oldest brother, and he's married to Fleur. Charlie is next oldest, then Percy . . . I don't know if he's married." George shook his head in disbelief. "Then it's you and — and — and Fred . . ." In a split second the amused look was replaced with a stone cold mask. I continued quickly. "You're married to Angelina and your son's name is Fred the Second, and your daughter's name is Roxanne." I didn't pause before I continued. "Then Ron, who's married to Hermione. They have a daughter named Rose, and a son named Hugo." I spared a glance at George, who's face was, once again, light and jaunty, though his eyes were slightly more dull than before.

"Then Ginny. She is married to Harry Potter." I paused for a second, simply for a dramatic affect. "They have two sons, the older of which is name James Sirius Potter. And then the younger of which is named, Albus Severus Potter. And they have a daughter named Lily Luna Potter." I paused for a moment. "Ya know, it's a shame Luna and Neville didn't get together."

"I know right?!" George responded eagerly. He continued, still with a happy voice. "Albus and Rose are in your year, did you know that?"

"No! Really?" My mouth dropped open in astonishment.

"I am very impressed you managed to name all of my immediate family."

I smiled, then — simply to show off — added: "Ron's birthday is March 1st, and yours is April 1st." I smiled at him and he looked at me, flabbergast. "I told you," I whispered. "I'm a fan." He smiled at me and stopped by a cage full of multicolor puffballs.

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