Chapter Five ~ Classes (Pt. 1)

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"Get up! Get up, get up, get up!" Eliza shouted pulling my curtains back and drawing the blinds from around me.

"Alright." I grumbled sitting up quickly. "I'm up. What time is it? Do I have time for a shower?" She nodded and hopped from one foot to the other in excitement.

"You have time. But it's already five thirty."

"Five thirty?!" I yelped in surprise. "We don't have to be in the great hall till seven!"

She smirked at me slightly. "I know . . . but I didn't know how long you took in the shower. I've been up since four . . . actually, I've been up since yesterday . . . I couldn't sleep. I went down to the common room at four." I smiled knowingly, I had slept, but it had been a very light sleep.

"I'm gunna get a shower." I mumbled digging through my trunk. "Remind me to come back up during break to . . . sort out this mess." I grumbled, finally finding my black ankle boots.

"Sure thing!" Eliza responded, cheerily. "I'm going to wait downstairs for the boys. I will leave at six forty-five, with or without you." I nodded.

"Understood, Sargent!" I saluted her and skipped into the bathroom laughing. I fiddled with the strange knobs on the wall — trying to figure out the temperature — for at least five minutes before I finally stepped in.

The hot water ran over my shoulders and down my back, washing away tension I hadn't even noticed. I finished and stepped out, quickly drying myself off and twisting my hair into a towel on top of my head, which fell off as I pulled my robes on and then my socks and started with my one of my boots. I brushed my teeth fiercely and glanced at the mammoth grandfather clock in between Eliza's bed and mine. It read, 6:15. I hurried out the door still pulling my boot on.

Eliza was chatting animatedly with the boys, as happy as ever. They simultaneously noticed me. "Sage! Ready?" Scorpius asked popping off the couch. I yanked myself out of my thoughts, smiled, nodded, and walked with them to the door.

Horace Slughorn's portrait shouted at our retreating backs, "I suppose you're going to breakfast!" He began chuckling. "Say 'hi' to . . . me!" He then burst out laughing, taking in huge gulps of air as his mustache fluttered. I rolled my eyes and straightened my robes.

"Your hair's still wet, Sage." I touched it nervously, finding her right. My hair was still dripping wet.

I clinched my jaw and narrowed my eyes on the floor. I hated having my hair soaking wet in public, it made it look shaggy and unkempt. How could I have forgotten to dry it? Did they even have hair dryers? I tried to fluff my hair as Albus began talking. "Hey, you look fine. There won't be anyone at breakfast for a good while. You'll be fine. Nothing like my hair!" He mumbled, running his fingers through his unruly hair, that seemed to have a tint of red in it.

"Everybody related to the Weasley's has red hair, huh? Even you've got a bit of a tint." He gave me a crooked grin as Scor nudged me.

"Even you could pass for a Weasley!" I smiled. I wished I was a Weasley . . . but what were the chances of that? They were pure-blood wizards. And me? I was merely a muggle-born. Some people wouldn't even consider me a witch. So how could I be related to the Weasley's?

"Right." I scoffed. "A Weasley. You know —"

"Good heavens! I love your accent!" Eliza cut in with her own, over-exaggerated, one. I smiled.

"I'm not the one with the accent, silly!" I prodded her in the ribs, making her shriek and jump away.

"Come on you two. Let's not dilly-dally any longer." Scorpius interjected. "If you were any slower you'd be walking backwards." Eliza and I rolled our eyes.

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