Chapter Three ~ The Hogwarts Express

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I sat on the bottom stair, simply waiting. My foot tapped impatiently as I stroked Orion, my new kitten. As he had grown, three star shaped spots had formed on his brow, earning him the name Orion.

The doorbell rang and I popped up, enlivened. "Mom! Dad! I'm leaving! I'll be back for Christmas!" My mom ran out of the kitchen and set me in a tight hug.

"You be careful." She paused a she stared at me intently. "In all my live-long days I never, ever, thought I would coexist with a world of magic." She shook her head and, once again, trapped me in her arms.

My dad came through the living room door and, also, hugged me. "I love you, dear." I glanced up at him.

"I love you, too." I grabbed my trunk and Orion's crate. "Now, I have to go or I will be late!" I sprinted out the door without a backwards glance. Hermione was watching me from a spot on the street. She smiled at me, and I, at her.

"Are you ready to go dear?" I nodded eagerly. She gave me a slightly stressed look. "We could make it on time if we take the airline but . . ." I grimaced as I looked up at her.

"You want us to apparate, don't you?" She nodded glumly. "But how am I going to hold Orion and my luggage all at once?" She took my trunk and stuck her arm out for me to grab. I sighed, and took it hesitantly.

Without warning, the world spun and my lungs seemed to collapse in on themselves. Thankfully, it only lasted a moment before I could breath once again. Orion let out a low hiss, obviously showing his distaste for that kind of travel. I looked around. It seemed we were simply in front of a normal train station. I, however, knew otherwise. Hermione put her hand on my back, pushing me forward slightly. "Were you nervous your first time?" I whispered, my voice shaking.

"Yes." She smiled, reminiscing. "You'll make friends quickly, though." She paused. "I actually consider Neville Longbottom to be my first friend . . . even though Harry and Ron were my closest friends . . . Not that anyone asked." She added softly.

I felt like I might be sick.

"Is — is Slytherin really all that bad of a house?" I asked timidly as we walked. I had always sympathized with Slytherin, but the idea of being put in the house with the most infamous witches and wizards in history made me quite nauseous. Hermione took a moment to think.

"Well." She paused, biting her lip. "No. I don't think it is. Slytherin is a house of ambitious witches and wizards, not necessarily evil ones." I nodded carefully.

"I really appreciate you taking time off of work for me." She smiled and wrapped her arms around me.

"I have truly taking a liking to you." She released me and gestured ahead. "Now, I recon you know what to do?" I looked up and realized we were at the gate. I also realized Hermione had put my trunk in a trolly. I really should start paying more attention. I scolded myself. Hermione laid her hand on my shoulder as I jogged at the barrier. I closed my eyes at the last possible second and ran right through.

Loud babbling and the hissing of a train hit my ears. "We are quite early, so you should be able to choose whichever car you want. I have to go find Ron, Rose, and Hugo now. Goodbye, Sage." I blinked, slightly sad.

"Goodbye, Hermione." She wrapped me in another hug before walking off to find her family.

I sighed and moved towards the train. The first cart was empty except for a young raven haired girl. I cleared my throat. "Do you mind — can I —uhh . . . sit?" She beamed at me and said.

"Of course. I'm Eliza!" I smiled back.

"Sage." I pulled my trunk in and pushed it up into the overhead rack. "Do you mind if I let my cat out? He doesn't love being locked up." She nodded and I opened Orion's crate door. He leaped out and right into my lap. I ran my fingers through his fur.

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