The Great Depression.

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It was a nice, warm, sunny day like any other. The guild was bonding, as always. They were in the front of the guild, in the outside world. Natsu and Laxus was going to fight.

"FIRE DRAGON.. ROAAAARRR!!" Natsu threw his roar at Laxus. Laxus dodged the attack, and punched Natsu, and Natsu was knocked out. "Heh." Laxus huffed. "That was an easy fight." He said.

Gildarts walked into the circle that everyone was in. "GILDARTS! LETS FIGHT!" Natsu yelled. "Sigh. Natsu, it's your grave, heh." Said Gildarts. Natsu threw an attack and Gildarts smacked him into the ground. "WOAHH" everyone gasped. "C-can I take a shot?" Everyone turned around and saw a beautiful innocent Lucy. "Whaaaat??! Haha!" Gildarts laughed.

Everyone in the guild except Natsu laughed. "There's no way you can beat me, Lucy!" Yelled Gildarts. "Don't hold back. Try as hard as you can! Give me a challenge!" Lucy said confidently. "Sigh. Fine." Gildarts said.

Lucy stepped into the middle of the circle.


Gildarts throws an attack that looks like a sword.


The blast goes right through her.

The guild stares in complete horror as the blood splashed out of her body and onto the ground. Her body slowly falls and hits the ground.

The guilds eyes are all wide open. Master stares At Lucy. Natsu watches as her blood spill and her body falls. Natsu looks like as if he just saw a ghost. "L-Luc-cy? Natsu stutters.

Gildarts eyes widens. "Oh. No."

Natsu slowly walks to Lucy's body, and flops down and puts his arms over her, and begins to cry. Everyone stares in shock, as she bleeds out on the grass. "Gildarts.. what Had YOU DONE??!"

"YOU KILLED MY CHILD!!" The master screams.

Gildarts reply's, "I didn't mean to!!"

Natsu then jumps in, with tears and tears spilling down his tan face. "Gildarts! You KILLED MY BESTFRIEND! YOU KILLED THE ONLY WOMAN WHO UNDERSTOOD ME! YOU KILLED THE GIRL I LOVED!"

The guild stares at Natsu.

Natsu then goes back down and sobs.

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