Dino - "noona?!" He yelled from the back and i forgot about them being there. Cursing myself for almost causing injuries.
Suga - "what happened?" He asked as our sirens were still Blaring off the top of our trucks.
Joshua - "a couple kids ran onto the road" he said into his walkie as I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the door as I jumped down. Running over to the kids and picking them up as their mother came crying.
Lady - "I'm so sorry thank you so much though" she cried out and I nodded. Giving her, her kids and bowing before running back to the truck. Getting in and driving off again. Speeding up as I lost Rap Monster Guys.
Rap Monster - "take a left (y/n). We're waiting. Thank goodness you stopped and moved the kids" he said and I nodded though he couldn't see me as I finally took the left turn I needed too.
After the ride to the amusement park we all got out. Though I was still in the car as Woozi was too. Packing the chemicals safely into a bag before getting out with it. While I also got out with my camera.Making sure I had my gun in my thigh holster since my belt didn't have a holster attached to it like the others. I made sure my shirt was tucked in as I tightened my belt a bit before fixing my hair. Sighing as we all grouped up.
My walkie in its holder on my belt as I crossed my arms. My camera hanging from its strap around my shoulder as of now.
Rap Mon - "we're all traveling in groups. No one is to spilt off" he said and we nodded.
RM - "everyone has a gun correct?" He said and we all nodded once again.
Rm - "good. Now, (y/n) who do you need to stay here to work on the chemical?" He asked as I looked up immediately. All of them looking at me.
"Woozi, Mingyu. Do you guys mind staying here?" I asked and they shook their heads no, making me smile as Rap Mon nodded his head.
After being assigned groups we all stayed on the same channel as we went to our parts of the amusement park which was indeed large.
I shivered as we stayed by the river of the amusement park which was near the haunted hospital.
V - "I hate this place at night. Especially since we have it closed off" he said as he fixed his top. Making me sigh as we all stood near each other. Looking in other directions to make sure no one comes our way. I sighed as we all left our walkie talkies on the ground.
Dino - "noona!" He called out and just as I was about to turn, him and Mark had pushed me into the water along with V, as Joshua, Dino and mark laughed.
Though when they weren't paying attention me and V dragged them into the water since they stood on the edge. Making me and V laugh as we all got out of the water taking off our tops as we squeezed the water our. Leaving us in our pants and under shirts. Though I wasn't in full uniform since I didn't have time to slip on my police pants so I stayed in black jeans. The boys all took off their other shirt making me turn around as they squeezed the water out of it. Soon putting it back on as they then placed their black police button ups.
"Ok don't look" I muttered as they turned away. Letting me take off my white long sleeved shirt and squeezing the water out of it as I was left in my bra before placing my damp long sleeve back on. Telling them they could look as I then placed my black police button up on. Sighing as the wind dried our wet clothes on us. Though making it cold but we didn't mind as we waited for the signal from Rap mon to move forward since we were done scoping out our place and finding nothing.
We were all talking and laughing lightly until I flinched as V wrapped his arms around me. Pulling me to the ground as we all stayed low.
I grabbed for my walkie as the others did so too.
"Rap Mon. Come in" I said as I pressed the button so they could hear me
RM - "were you guys the one who fired the gun?" He asked and I gulped
"No but someone else shot it directly in our area. It hit the tree by us but no one got hurt luckily" i said before another bullet sounded.
RM - "get out of there. Report to Woozi guys where we first came" he said and we all quickly stood. Doing as told.
V - "go!" He yelled as he took out his pistol. Me doing the same as we saw a figure.
"Someone's following us" I said into my walkie talkie
Jungkook - "we got someone following us too" he said as we heard multiple gun shots in the background softly. Me and V shooting at the figure that followed us.
Suga - "get your groups back to the main meeting place!" He yelled into his walkie talkie
RM - "everyone head back!" He said as I tripped.
Dino - "noona" He said as I continued shooting from the ground. V standing next to me as he shot at the figure too. Or we tried to at least. I was then pulled up as we were now running again. Joshua holding onto my arm as we ran. While Mark held onto Taehyungs arm. Making us run as we stopped shooting. Soon making it to the main meeting place at the entrance as we were the last one.
Suga - "god are you hurt?" He asked me as I nodded my head no quickly. Before looking back. My gun pointed at the figure as all 5, k9 started barking in different directions.
"Who are you?" I yelled out to the figure.
Jungkook - "there. That's the one that was following me and my group" he said as he pointed his gun to the other figure.
Woozi - "and there's another... three. Three total" he muttered and as soon as I looked back to the figure that chased us I saw his gun being thrown straight at Joshua who at the moment wasn't paying attention either. Looking at the other figures. I pushed him out of the way as I kicked the gun away. Not minding the pain as I breathed a bit heavily.
"What the hell is their problem?" I asked
Hoshi - "everyone down!" He yelled as Jungkook tackled me onto the floor as soon as a loud boom was heard. A ringing going off in my ear as my vision was blurry due to what happened.

Joshua X Reader
FanfictionThis isn't going to be based on idols and Kpop stuff. Based on a story of being apart of the police department and Air Force :) Hope you like it. Enjoy Btw it's my first book so sorry if it sucks.