|Shot 52| • Safe Inside I • |Jyatt|

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Age: 17-19


Dedicated to definejarchie because of all the stories my eyes have roamed, hers by far hold and warm my heart the most. I've never felt more emotion, devotion or love for any story as much as I have hers.

definejarchie Thank you, for allowing me to swim in the depths of the pages of your stories. I've never dived so deeply into any other book. I found myself waiting adoringly for an update like a child sitting at a window. You have my heart

If you're not following her, then put those thumbs to use and follow her and read her stories...like right now ~Jae👑

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"Haha, I took a shot off his bahhhhhhdyyy, Wyyy"

"I know, you told me, Jae" I smiled painfully. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fiiiiiiiine, Wyyy. Noah took me home, now I sleepyyy" Jaeden slurred.

I nearly crushed the phone in my hand at the mention of his name. I hated him for taking my baby, but at the same time, I knew that I had no right to be jealous.

Not only is Jaeden his own man, but I hurt him. He left me. I have no right to be angry. But it still doesn't change the fact that it fucking hurts to see Jaeden hold someone else's hand...kiss someone else's lips...hold someone else...

Don't cry...don't cry...don't cry...

"Wy? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" I sniffed. "Just...get some sleep, okay? Stay safe, I lo-"

I sighed and wiped my eyes.

"Just get some sleep, okay, Jaeden?"

"Sure, Wy...Goodnight" he said groggily, and hung up.

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