Chapter 21

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Matthew didn't take me outside to practice fighting. He wanted nothing to do with me today. I felt about as small as a ladybug when Jared told me this. "He wants you to shadow me today."

"Why?" I asked as I followed him out the door.

"So that you know what an advisor does. If you know what I do for Master Matthew, then when Master Matthew passes the crown and all of its burdens to you then you can pick out an excellent advisor." Jared was short, and thin, and he wore business suits with neutral colors as if to keep himself from being seen unless Matthew called for him. He constantly carried around a phone that had a stylus attached to it. Jared tapped on the screen with the stylus all the way to the truck.

He showed me the phone when we got in. "Here, read to me what's first on the list."

I scanned the screen. "Going to the Strigoi family?"

He nodded. "Yes. We're seeing Eric today on behalf of Matthew. You see he's so busy that he can't be in two or even three places at once so sometimes I go in his stead. Even though Eric is a representative of the lowest class you will-"

"Show him respect," I finished for him. "I know. Why does everyone think I'll be rude?"

Jared looked at me with deep, muddy red eyes. "Should I recap for you what happened the night of Nexus' trial?"

I slouched in my seat. "That was months ago!"

"Sit up," he demanded.

I sighed dramatically and leaned forward.

"That isn't sitting up. You'll end up with a bad back."

"Fine," I snapped and sat straight. "Better?"

Jared shook his head. "We're seeing Eric today because he claims to have some important information for us."

Eric's house looked like my old one. Blue roof tiles but white on the walls. Emergency sirens wailed nearby but the telltale red and blue lights were nowhere in sight. The windows were barred with what appeared to be anything flat that didn't allow light to escape or invade. Different styles of graffiti was painted on anything that it would stick to, including the ground, and especially on top of other graffiti art. "I'm not feeling better about Eric." I announced as we got out of the car.

"Which is why Matthew didn't come." Jared knocked on the door, which was stained with blood and smelled strongly of bitter iron even though it was dried.

"So he sent us? That doesn't seem very..."

"Fair? It's not supposed to be fair, princess."

"Don't call me that, I hate that!"

"But that's what you are, so you should get used to it."

Jared reminded me suddenly of Alexander. I opened my mouth to make another comeback but the door swung open before any sound could escape. Eric looked like in my visions. He had blond hair that almost looked white and he had a girl hanging on his arm that looked like from my vision as well.

Eric nodded at me. "I didn't agree to guests, Jared."

"This is Miss Amelia. She's come to observe, Eric."

He nodded. "Excuse me, princess, if I'm too informal and refuse to bow or do anything that the court expects of me."

"It'll actually be kind of refreshing."

Jared shot me a small glare.

"This is Genie. Please come in. Genie, can you get our guests some tea."

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