Chapter 31

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I waited by the window, hopeful at first, but by the time the week ended, I felt empty again. I hadn't felt the burning since Draco left, and I hadn't felt the warmth that I had the first night. I watched many people come and go, a few of the clans came, and they left with loved ones in tow, and I realized that they, too, have lost hope. I came to realize, I needed to escape...but if I escaped, I would leave the rest to their deaths. Would they die anyway?
A white car pulled up the long driveway, the headlights blinding me as they turned in. I instinctively looked away from the sun-like glare, spots dotted the floor. I heard the door open and close, but I could barely make out what was being said. Footsteps scurried along the cobblestone.
I looked back to watch below, but I saw no one except the car, but I still heard footsteps, and voices, and they were getting closer, and closer, and then the footsteps stopped. The door opened. Behind the door there was Aiden, like I expected, but also a woman in a mask that covered her face, and a man with Damien's build, but his face was hidden behind a mask. Both masks had the same style, covered the entire face and both were painted gold, but the female had a feminine mask and Damien wore one with manly features. Both the woman and Damien stepped inside.
"You are the Queen now." She said matter-of-fact.
I answered, "Am I, now? I thought I was more of a prisoner than a queen, I almost forgot." I turned back to the window, with a bit of a smirk on my face, and in the back of my mind I could hear Matthew's voice say, "Hold your tongue! They want you to seem childish, but you must prove them wrong. Give them nothing more to use against you."
"You were right to say that she had a tongue on her." The woman said, though I suspected not to me. She came closer, and I stood and turned to her. Who was she? I got no scent from her, which concluded only her species, that she was a vampire like me.
"What do you want?"
"Right to the point, fine by me. They call me Neta."
"I asked what you wanted, not who you are!" Again, I heard Matthew's voice, "Calm your voice. Speak calmly." I thought, I can't calm my voice! I need to get out! I want to go home!
Neta went on as if I hadn't yelled at her, "I am here to offer the deal in person. All you have to do all that we say. Now, don't get too excited, we will be posting people to watch you, but in the comfort of your own home. You would be free, as long as you do as we say. However, there would be severe consequences, the first time would be the head of a friend, the second would be the head of a close friend. I would say family, but given the circumstances..." she shrugged, "and the third time...well, would be your own, and it'd be a shame to wipe out a family bloodline that's been here before us all."
I took a deep breath. What do I say to this woman? What did she expect? "You do not have an answer as long as I am trapped in this place. I have other people that I need to answer to-"
"Who?" she challenged.
"My people."
She laughed. "They answer to you, not the other way around."
"You don't know your history very well, do you? Very well, France overthrew their monarchy by beheading a king and queen who didn't listen. England overthrew their monarchy and established a parliamentary system. America is founded on overthrowing oppressors, need I go on?" I paused for only a moment. "Do you see my point? If I follow through, I may die anyway."
"So you're answering no, then?"
"I'm saying I have no answer until I can meet with the other clans."
Neta folded her hands, "I thought the clans were founded on a monarchy."
"Only for show, Neta. Matthew may have had a final say, but he took into account the other clans votes as well." I took a step closer to the window.
Shouts came from the door and from outside. Damien yanked the door opened and told Aiden sternly, "Find out what is going on and tell them to shut up."
I turned to try and see what was going on. Chaos had come and landed itself in front of the Giovanni house. Guns shot up at something in the air that I couldn't see. People shouted as they ran up or down the stairs, and more gun shots. At the gates I could barely make out an army of people.
"What is going on?" Neta whispered.
"I don't know." Damien answered.
"Whatever it is, we must leave now!" Neta pushed passed Damien.
Damien motioned for me to follow. I followed at a distance. Everyone shouted, "They're on the roof! They're coming through the gates! We have to hold them off a bit longer!" The more they shouted, the quicker Neta and Damien walked.
Finally, Damien grabbed one of his own men. "What is going on?"
"The Strigoi and the Gargoyles from the Necrarch house are here, sir. There are too many of them."
"Where are the rest of your men?"
"The Moroi leader was ambushed and killed in the middle of the night. They are in a panic until a new leader is appointed. That leaves the few bodyguards that have no connection to either family, and the few fairies and gnomes that we've rallied, and even they fled before the first fight. You have no other line of defense. Kyle has already been safely moved."
Damien nodded. "Good."
I should have taken that moment to leave, but I wanted to step outside, and see the fight myself, and I wanted to save Jackson.
"Kill the Abandanato leader. Let them panic too."
The man nodded.
"No!" I reached out to grab the man, only to stop him, but I managed to force him to his feet, never even touching him. Whatever force that allowed me to do this also pushed back Damien and Neta. "I won't let you kill any more!"
Damien sighed, "She may just be a child, but she may be more trouble than it's worth. If you can't bring her with us, kill her, we shall find other ways to deal with the other clans."
"An all out war is not something we can risk."
"We'll be risking it either way. Quickly, move." Damien and Neta scrambled to their feet, but a force blew through the windows, forcing them on their backs again. The gargoyle landed by me.
"You know, you really ought to have escaped yourself." The voice I didn't recognize, and I almost didn't recognize the face.
"I would say pleasure to make your acquaintance but now is not the time." He pushed against me, and I half fell on his back and half hopped on myself. "Hold on."
I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he took off, out another window, barely able to fit us both. The air stung my face, and several bullets grazed my legs and arms. I pressed my face into the feathery neck as he flew up, and up, up above the clouds.
"You don't have to hold on so tightly now, miss."
I opened my eyes and found it...oddly peaceful so high above the clouds. I still heard the fighting below. "Wait, Jackson!" I suddenly remembered.
"Don't worry about him for now."
"We have to go back for him!"
"Not unless you plan on jumping off, and I don't recommend it. Vampire or not, a fall from this height will still leave you incompacitated, and easy prey for Giovanni. My priority is to take you to safety before the sun rises." As if waiting for a que, the dark sky turned to a light blue.
Harry flew faster than I thought was possible. I had no time to argue for everyone else's safety, I could only wrap my arms around his neck.
By the time he landed, the mountain was the only thing hiding the sun. I had to run inside, I never even took in my surroundings. I could hear Harry climbing on the roof, and inside everyone stopped. I recognized this place suddenly, and the realization washed over me like a cold wave. I was home. I expected Matthew to embrace me, to catch me when my knees gave out, but it was Jillian who caught me instead, and another colder wave washed over me then too. Matthew would never be here.
"I'm so glad you're safe," Jillian breathed out.
I couldn't move. I felt cold, tired, drained of all life. I barely felt the tears, and for a moment I thought this was a dream. I never heard Jillian's voice barking orders, and I never felt another person's arm around me. I didn't even know I had moved until I was sitting on my bed, staring at the ground. The ground was replaced by a face, Eric kneeled down in front of me.
"Amelia, I know you are suffering now," he spoke softly and sternly.
"Eric, now is not the time!" Jillian scolded.
He continued, "But tomorrow, you must set aside your feelings and become our queen. Lead us, show us that rescuing you wasn't for nothing."
"What do you mean?" I choked out the words.
Jillian spoke up, "Many voted against rescuing you. They said they could handle this without a queen. Many want to go back to the way things were before your family came along and united us all."
"Matthew wasn't that bad of a leader." I whispered.
Eric nodded, "He was an excellent king to follow, and without his guidance everyone is scared. Even I am, and that is why I'm being frank, if you even think about siding with the Giovanni's-"
I raised my voice, "After they killed Matthew, you think I'm going to side with murderers?" More tears came forth unbidden and, I wanted to scream. My hands shook, my whole body shook as I said, "No, the Giovanni and the Morois, they will both pay. Both families."
"For now, though, you need to rest." Jillian pushed me down, and I had no strength to fight it.
"He's really dead, isn't he?"
Eric nodded, "Yes, Matthew is dead, and soon Jackson will be too. I will gather the clans leaders, and you will hold a meeting. Prove to them you are Matthew's heir."
I nodded but sleep never came immediately. I cried, until I finally fell asleep.

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