Chapter Nine.

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Chapter Nine

(Please ignore any spelling or grammar mistakes as this chapter is not edited,i will edit the whole book when its finished)

Zoe's P.O.V;

"Okay here are your discharge letters, you need to give it to your gp and make sure you take it easy, your blood pressure is normal now, but you will get it checked regularly just remember not to get worked up about anything and don't get stressed" the nurse finishes explaining everything and i am finally free too leave the hospital.

I've been in the hospital two nights, thankfully i was not alone, of course the first night James stayed and that caused lots of drama so i had to stay another night because my blood pressure was still really high probably because of the drama, and the fact that he left straight after payton not even saying anything to me.

I guess it was my fault, i kissed him after last night, but its not like he stopped me till we actually kissed, he was leading me on.

The second night Molly stayed because she didn't have college.

"Come on, we can leave the letter into the doctors then we can go to the mall and get you some new clothes, it wont be long till your normal clothes wont fit you" she giggled, as we walked through the exit of the hospital.

"way to make me feel better Molly" i sighed and took a deep breath, for the first time in two days i've had fresh air.

"I'm just kidding but we need to go shopping we haven't been out together in like forever" she sighs getting into the car and starting it up.

"the last time we went out together was new years eve, seems like so long ago" she says.

"yeah the night everything changed" I muttered to myself.

Who new that one night could change everything, who knew that i could end up here in this position, having to carry a baby around for nine months, and the rest of my life, who knew.

Molly just pretended that she didn't hear what i said and con to blabber on about how much fun we use to have together and how we have always been so close, and its true we have and she is my best friend and i love her because shes always been there for me, but right now I'm just not feeling happy, but she doesn't know that because i didn't tell her what happened between me and James.. and Payton for that matter.

Once we dropped the letter off at the doctors, like Molly had planned she took me to the Mall, it kind of brought my mood up a bit, Molly never fails to make me smile.

We stopped of at Costa first and grabbed a coffee too go and headed to the shops.

"FOREVER 21 FIRST" she said it a screechy voice, which did get us a few weird glances but it made me laugh, Molly is a shopaholic.

We just start walking around the shops looking through the sale racks when i bump into someone spilling a bit of coffee over my shirt.

"I'm sorry.. i didn't mean to.." my i stop my sentence when i look up and see Payton standing in front of me.

"its fine" she simply replies.

"Payton wait, i need to talk to you, im really sorry, for everything" i say looking at her searching for some kind of emotion.

"Zoe, its fine" is all she replies.

"Payton I'm serious,I'm sorry for kissing James twice, i knew he had a girlfriend i guess at that moment i just wasn't thinking about it" i say.

"Zoe, its fine. I just need to know,do you have feelings for James?" she asks and it leaves me speechless, how am i meant to tell the father of my babys girlfriend that i have feelings for him.

"ugh.. i guess i do" i say looking at my feet, its probably better to tell the truth now than to tell her that i don't have feelings for him and something like this happens again, that's the last thing we all need.

"Zoe, its fine, i can understand you have feelings for him, hes the father of your baby for god sake, look,i know what i got myself into when I accepted the fact that i was a girlfriend to a teen dad, but you have helped me realise and I'm so glad you have" she smiles hugging me and starts to walk away.

"wait what? Payton wait..." i say after her feeling confused.

"I'll be in touch" she smiles back waving at me, what the hell just happened.

"Molly! I'm feeling tired i think I'm ready to go home" i call over to her and i see her face drop, but once she sees me notice she just weakly smiles.

"Okay lets go then"

"your the best" i smile at her and we go back to the car and drive home.

I just cant stop thinking about what Payton said, that I helped her realise? realise what?.

Once we get home, Molly makes me another cup of coffee and i lay up on the sofa watching One tree hill.

"Okay Zoe, I'm going to head home now" she says grabbing her car keys.

"Okay thanks for today"

"Oh there's someone at your door i'll let them in on my way out" she says leaning over and giving me a hug.

When i hear the front door closing, i hear someone heavy footed come into my living room.

"WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE ZOE?" he says with gritted teeth.

"James? what are you taking about? i haven't done anything" i set my coffee down on the floor and stand up in front of him.

"I thought you accepted the fact that i had a girlfriend, we were never nothing all those kisses meant nothing to me" he says harshly and i can tell by the way hes talking that hes trying to control his anger, but what hes saying really hurts me and makes my eyes become blurry and i can feel the tears building up.

"i hope your happy now Zoe, now what Payton has broken up with me, she said you helped her realise that she couldn't be with a boy like me, because a boy like me should be with you, but i can tell you right now there will never be an us!"


authors notes;

James has a temper lol, but I'm sorry for the delayed up date i was on holiday and i had an amazing time!! and You will never guess who followed me on twitter today?? The Vamps! i cried, you can follow my twitter if you like @RauhlsEspinosa, tweet me and let me know your reading this book and i will follow you c: 

Make sure to comment!! And thank you so much I've been getting alot more leads lately!

This Chapter Is Dedicated To; LucySimpson12 for her kind words.

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