Chapter Four.

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Chapter four;

(this is not edited, so don't mind the mistakes, but i will edit the whole book once it is done)

zoes p.o.v;

I woke up yet again running to the bathroom to be sick, i read that the morning sickness should clear up soon, and the sooner it clears up the better.

"Here, i brought you some water" my mum says, weakly smiling at me setting it on the counter because the sink.

I told my mum last night that I was pregnant, it was late and we didn't talk to much about it because she said she needed time to think about things.

I walked back into the bedroom to see Molly lying awake on the mattress on the floor, she decided to sleepover last night since our college was off today.

"you ok?" she asked as i came through the door.

"yeah I'm good" i sigh, throwing myself on the bed, i still don't think that it has actually hit me yet, the fact that i am pregnant, the fact that i have a serious responsibility to bring up this child. The fact that a drunken one night stand has left me with a child, a life, that will rely on me to look after and care for it.

"you know we really need to talk about this today" she says seriously.

"yeah i know molly, i just can't believe that its real you know? like its so hard to take in that i'm actually going to be a mum" i sigh, running my hands through my hair.

"i know, but its happened now you just got to take responsibility for it" she replies fiddling with her hands, this is probably one of the most serious talks that we have had in a while.

"Yeah i get that" i mutter back.

"ok, well do you know who the father is?" she asks me.

Oh crap,this is the one thing that i have not actually thought about, i have been so worried about everything else that the baby's father hasn't crossed my mind, great here's another person i have to bring into this mess.

"um.. well the last time i done you know what was on new years eve, with a guy called James, before that i was having  my periods normally" i confess to her.

"do you still talk to this guy James?" she asks.

"well i was texing him yesterday, nothing is going on between us thou, we never talk, molly, hes three years older than me, hes 21" i sigh with stress, honestly this is just going to be one hell of a stressful nine months.

"Well hes the father, and he deserves to know about this baby Zoe, you can't hide that from him" she explains, and i know she is right but it would just be too hard.

"and how am i meant to tell him? just call him and be like 'oh hey James, just wanted to let you know that I'm pregnant and your the father'" I say sarcastically but in a serious tone.

"Zoe, I'm just trying to help you out here, these are your mistakes not mine so don't try to take out your anger on me because I'm the one that will always be with you, i am your best friend and you know that, but James has every right to know about this baby as much as you do, and its better to tell him not instead of him finding out himself" she tells me in a harsh tone.

"fine, but i will call him and ask him to meet up with me, i can't just text him" i sigh leaning over to the phone charger and pulling my phone off it.

"yeah that would probably be better, now i will go make us some toast, maybe you should call him while I'm downstairs" she smiles and leaves the room.

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