Chapter Twelve.

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Chapter Twelve.

(Ignore all the spelling and grammar mistakes, i will edit once i finish the whole book)

Zoes p.o.v;

*a few weeks later; 2 months pregnant*

Stress.. Stress.. and more stress.

My parents and the nurses have decided that is will be okay for me to start back to college tomorrow, my health is better and the baby's growth is fine, so they thought that is a good idea that I go back. I've already missed two months, and this is the first time that I will be back since I found out I was pregnant.

I haven't really thought about school much, I guess that was the last thing on my mind, they only decided this yesterday which was probably a good idea because all i've done since then is over think and worry myself, which is probably not the best thing to do, but I'm still a teenage girl believe it or not, and that's what teenagers do, over think. A lot.

Its not like I'm scared of going back to college, before my life completely changed I actually enjoyed it, you know because it gave me something to do everyday, its not the college I'm worried about, its the people.

Its not like i'm going to walk into school and everything be normal, I'm not two months pregnant, and I'm showing, and its obvious its not just fat. Its not normal a girl who is still at college to be pregnant and I'm just not ready for every ones reaction.

I'm not the type of girl who likes to be centre of attention, I just like to keep myself to myself, I don't like people looking at me, I just like to keep my peace with everyone, and just live simply, but with a baby bump and a bunch of judge mental college students, I probably won't be able to do that for much longer,

As I'm sorting some of the baby things we bought into a box so I can store away until the time comes, I can feel some tears rolling down my cheeks but I just wipe them away, I hate being emotional its just so overrated, but there's not much you can do, the damn hormones that comes with pregnancy are so strong it could drive anyone crazy.

Once I finish packing the baby box and putting it out of the way, I try tidying up my room, but everything I touch seems to do exactly what I don't want it to do, I spill water on the floor, knock some washing over and spill some nail polish.

I let out a loud frustrated groan, and fall onto my bed face first, I'm not sure if these were sad or angry tears I guess they were a bit of both.

"Zoe? are you alright?" I hear a deep voice say at my door causing me to jump up too see who it was, only to be relieved when I saw James standing at my bedroom door.

"I'm fine" I lie, but sometimes to have to be just fine, its like what Augustus says in the fault in our stars 'thats the thing about pain, it demands to be felt' but sometimes we just have to demand to be stronger.

"You don't have to lie to me zoe" he says walking over and sitting on the edge of my bed, looking at me, searching for some answers. James has been a lot of help to me, but the more I'm around him the more my feelings grow for him, but I just have to keep holding on, I know hes not ready, and probably won't be for along time, but I don't know how long I can hold on for, I can't waste time waiting, thinking that it might happen when it might not.

"I'm lost" is all I could say, because its true, there's no other explanation to how I'm feeling right now, I'm more than worried, I'm more than stressed and I'm more than angry, I'm lost.

"Zoe.. I know its hard, but you need to stay positive" he reply's, placing his hand over mine rubbing his thumb back and forward over it.

Its weird, its like I fly from one emotion to another, sometimes I'm fine, and then sometimes I'm just so lost that I think I won't be able to find myself again. No one understand, I don't even understand. I don't want to be judged, I just want to live simply.

"Zoe, let me ask you one thing, if you could go back and change everything and have no baby would you?" he asks.

"No" i reply, I'm not selfish, and when my baby is born, not once in its life will I ever make it feel like it was a mistake, I'm one to believe that everything happens for a reason, and obviously I didn't intent to be here right now, so young pregnant, but its for a reason.

"then you have to keep telling yourself, that this is our life now, and we are going to make the most of it, once our baby is born everything will change, and its up to us to make it change for the better" he says and it makes me crack a smile,because its true.

Ever since we went on that shopping trip two weeks ago its like reality hit me, you know that this was it, I was having this baby and there is no going back now. After that I kind of just looked around stayed in the house the next two weeks, online browsing and stuff, I just kept myself trapped and this is the result, feeling like this.

"I don't regret this you know" I say to him,meaning the whole thing, getting pregnant, not that I remember much of that night, but I don't regret it now.

"and I don't either" he answers.

"we have come so far from we first met" i smile at the thought of all we have been through.

"yeah I know, but there's still lots more to come" he smiles.

"yeah I know" i look up to my blank ceiling.

"Zoe.. I can't hide it anymore" James says and I move my eyes to focus on him, giving him a confused look.

"Can't hide what James?" i laugh but it was more of a confused, nervous kind of laugh.

"this" he says and he leans over and crashes his lips onto mine.

"be My girlfriend Zoe" 


authors notes;

so funny story, I wasn't meant to update today because I was out all day shopping and at the cinema ( went to see the fault in our stars) and i don't know i had a brain storm while watching one tree hill and here it is another chapter lol.


so the reads have been going boom lately thanks so much for everything, and so many nice people messaging me,don't be afraid to leave me a message comment or even tweet me I love talking to you all.

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 This chapter is dedicated to the lovely lottiem09 thanks for your support!

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