Chapter Eighteen.

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Chapter Eighteen.

(this chapter is not edited so ignore all spelling and grammar mistakes)

*just in case anyone gets confused this chapter is going to be like a 5 month jump in their lives, so this is now 5 months after the picnic*

Zoe's p.o.v;

*5 months later*

"I still kind of find it weird waking up next to you every morning" I say turning over to look at James, we have been living here for about six months now and its not only weird waking up to him every morning its weird that i don't have my mum to do the cleaning or her to wake me up for college every morning and make me breakfast, but I guess since i moved here i have become more independent and that's probably a good thing, because when the baby is born its going to rely on me, and in that case i have to be independent.

"I still find it kind of weird that only met you at the start of the year, literally and now I'm living in an apartment with you and a baby is on the way" he grunts rubbing his eyes.

I guess me and James are a perfect match though we are both extremely lazy, because it is now 1pm and we just woke up.

"do you find it scary?" i reply.

"in a way yes, but its a good kind or scary"

"if that makes any sense" he adds after a bit.

"and we should probably get out of bed now" he chuckles and i groan.

"come on Zoe, ever since we finished college for summer we have just lay around all day we should get ourselves out there, we could change the word" he motions his hands in the air sarcastically.

"your kidding right, when this baby is born there is going to be no resting so we might as well make the most of it now while we can, plus it is due to come anything soon" 

"you don't need to remind me" he laughs.

"when the baby is born we probably wont get mornings like this where we can just lay" I sigh.

"that's true, but your just lazy" he replies.

"you are just as lazy as i am plus you haven't been carrying around a baby for 9 months, so i can be as lazy as i want" 

Every now and again I just think back to how I use to  be the quite girl in school, the girl who just got on with her own life, i was always studying and school was my main focus, i never went to parties, and its so weird how after one party my life just changed forever. Sometimes it even crosses my mind that if i did't get pregnant that night would me and James even be together.

I still feel guilty because of payton, i know its not my fault, and even thou i was drunk the night of the party, if i had knew he wasn't single i wouldn't have even danced with him.

"james?" i ask him.


"where was payton on new years eve?" 

"really Zoe" he sighs

"i am just curious" 

"she was sick" he says sitting up and throwing his legs out the side of the bed and running his hand through his hair.

"oh" i reply.

Payton has her own boyfriend now, but if when me and James are out together in public she kind of just pretends we are not there. 

The more the days go on the more scared i become, i mean I'm going to be having my baby soon, it could be in the next week, and its really exciting but nerve wrecking at the same time.

I stand up out of bed and i feel really dizzy, i grip onto the head board to keep my balance.

"are you okay?" James says coming over.

"I'm fine, i just stood up too quickly"

"okay well I'm going to make some food" he says leaving the room.

When he leaves i go into the bathroom and brush my hair putting it into a messy bun and brush my teeth and wash my face.

Most of my clothes and the stuff we had bought for the baby is packed into a bag for the hospital, always got to be prepared.

I pick out a tie dyed tee shirt and a pair of shorts, and i am so thankful that my stomach isn't too big, obviously i have a bump but i think I'm going to have a small baby.

I walk into the living room when james is watching tv.

"is there any bacon left?" i ask him and he nods.

I start walking into the kitchen when i feel something very unconformable and wet and a sharp pain crosses my stomach.

"oh my gosh" is all i can say.

"what?" james ask casually not moving his eyes off the tv.

"we need to go to the hospital,my waters have broke"

*please read the authors notes*

-authors notes

HEY! i hope you all don't hate me i haven't updated in for weeks, and I'm so sorry! i have been so so so busy but here is another chapter there's only two more chapters left! 

so since everyone is just commenting stuff like please update and stuff, which i don't blame you i took forever to update.

i want everyone to comment if you want the baby to be a boy or a girl and name suggestions!

i love you all!

remember to vote!

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