Chapter Thirteen.

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Chapter Thirteen;

(ignore all spelling and grammar mistakes, this is not edited, i will edit the whole book when I finish it)

Zoes p.o.v;

"What?" i ask, completely shocked, or maybe I didn't hear him right.

"I love you Zoe, I don't want to hide it anymore" he reply's, placing his hand onto my knee.

"but James.. what about Payton?" i ask, not meaning to bring back the past, but just so he knows what hes saying.

"What about her zoe, she doesn't love me anymore, and i'm not chasing after something that's not worth it" he weakly smiles.

"I don't know what to say James" i say, letting out a breath that i didn't even know I was holding in.

"Say you love me, and that you want me Zoe" his pleading eyes are staring into mine, I have been dreaming of this moment for so long, but now that it's here, i'm speechless.

"I don't know James.." I don't want this too be a joke, i don't want to be venerable just for him to realise that he really isn't ready.

"You don't know what, I thought you told me that the kisses meant something to you?" his confused expression on his face, making me feel bad, but can you blame a girl for protecting her feelings.

"And they did mean something, they still do" I stare onto the bed fiddling with the sheets.

"they meant something to me too Zoe, I felt the connection, I love you just give me a chance" he say lifting my hand from the bed into his.

"and are you sure you're ready?" i ask my voice breaking a little.

"as i'll ever be" he playfully winks at me.

"Okay." i whisper.

"Okay so let me do this probably now" he smiles clearing his throat.

"Zoe, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" he asks and I swear its so cheesy but it makes me blush.

"Yes I will" i laugh and he pulls me into a tight hug, making all the stress and heaviness that i had been carrying on my shoulders disappear.

I feel so much better than I had all day.

*the next day*

"Thanks for the ride, my mums been so busy with work some nights she doesn't even come home" i sigh jumping into James car.

Today is my first day back to college since I found out I was pregnant, I'm really not looking forward too it, but i'm sure James will make it alot easier for me.

Once we pull up in the car park and we both jump out grabbing out back packs from the back seat.

"here goes nothing" i sigh.

"hey every things going to be okay" he smiles entwining our fingers.

"what are you doing?" i turn to him.

"what holding your hand?" he asks.

"I mean, i thought you would want to keep us low for a while, i know you are two years older and I thought.."

"no zoe, I'm not ashamed to be dating you, lets just go" he smiles walking towards the building, still holding my hand.

We  walk up the hall towards my locker, I can feel loads of eyes staring at me as I pass, I try to block it out it just makes me really annoyed.

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