First Mission Part Three

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Here is the final part to a First Mission. I hope you enjoy it. 


Ezra had just begun to doze when he heard voices. Recognizing the as the ones who kidnapped him, he hugged his knees tighter.

"Papa.." he whimpered, wanting to hear his voice, feel safe in his arms.

"Give me my son!" 

"Papa!" Ezra cried as he started  banging against the walls once more.

Unfortunately he didn't know that someone was standing next to him and fell on his backside when the crate started to move.

"Papa!" He screamed trying to let Kanan know that something was happening.

"Shut up Brat!" Grievenson snapped hitting the side panel.

Ezra continued to call for help not realizing what was about to happen. The trashdoan had finally had enough and looked over to yell at his partner only to see him suspended in air.

"Jedi," he hissed glancing at the box. "If Jarrus is one, then that means the boy is to. No way this means good news for us."

Without a second thought he shoved the crate into the lake knowing it would sink in a few moments. Inside, Ezra began to panic seeing the water starting to fill the small space.

Kanan POV


Vincent wheezed a chuckle.

"Looks like Grievenson decided to change the plan."

Turning my head slightly, horror filled me. Grievenson smirked  while a crate bobbed in the water.

"No," I breathed."Baby Boy, no!" 

"That is most unfortunate," Martelio chuckled snapping me back to the present. 

Throwing out my other hand I grabbed the trashdonan and yanked him forward.

"I should kill you both, but since I don't have time...coma it is," I threatened before force throwing them as far and as hard as I could.

"Hera," I called grabbing my comm turning back toward the dock.

"I'm almost to your location," she responded.

Replacing the device, I started running as the bangs got more rapid and I could finally hear his tiny panicked cries.

"Hang on Son, I'm coming," I yelled.

The banging suddenly stopped and a cold feeling swept through me. The crate bobbed for a second and then went under.

"EJ!" I cried diving into the cold depths. 

I lost my master, I lost Janus, there was no way I was losing my child too.

I didn't even register the cold as I swam toward the crate. Grabbing onto it, I hit the button to release lid but it didn't budge. Realizing that the lock was damged, I closed my eyes.  Gathering all my energy, I slammed the controls effectively releasing the lock. Yanking off the lid, I went to scoop Ezra up but froze. Ezra was crumbled against the side, not moving, mouth open. Knowing I didn't much time I  quickly but carefully I reached in and grabbed him, cradling the boy to my chest. Shooting for the surface, I prayed that it wasn't to late. As we broke through I used one hand to hold Ezra up and used the other to tread the water. Once on the shore I laid him down and put my ear against his chest listening for a heartbeat. When I didn't hear anything I started doing CPR.

"No, Ezra, not you too..." I whispered counting to thirty and forced air into his lungs. 

"Come on Son, breathe," I cried doing compressions again when he didn't respond. 

At the count of twenty, Ezra jerked beneath my hands and started coughing. Turning him on his side I rubbed his back to help him get the rest of the water up. Once he was done, I rolled him back over and then hugged him tight. 

"You're okay..." he wheezed softly. 

"Shh...I'm here Son, everything's  going to be okay," I whispered running my fingers through his hair while tears were running down my face. "Everything's going to be okay." 

Now you know why Ezra hates being inside of crates in Season Two AU.  I am so sorry if this is horrible but I do hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know what you thought.  Have a great day. 

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