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I do hope you guys enjoy this chapter. This one takes place during season one. 

Kanan POV

It had been a week since Ezra and I returned from  getting his crystal. I haven't seen nor talked to him and that was starting to worry me. According to Zeb, Ezra had been working on his lightsaber night and day. 

"Kanan," Hera questioned looking at me in concern.

"Yeah," I responded not looking up from game with Chopper.

"You need to check on Ezra, he has barely eaten or slept ever since he started working on his saber. I'm worried that he is going to get sick," she said crossing her arms.

"I'm sure he's fine," I said taking out one of Chopper's pieces. 

"And I'm sure you wouldn't mind a shopping trip," she threatened. 

I sighed shutting off the game, she had me. I hate shopping trips. 

"Alright fine, I will talk to him," I said hoping to please her.

"That's all I ask," she said before going back into the cockpit.

Shaking my head I decided to go into the kitchen and make some lunch for my young padawan. Ten minutes later I knocked on his door. Hearing a quiet come in, I opened it to see the teen hunched over spare parts.

"Hey Buddy," I said quietly quickly gaining his attention.

"Kanan!" He yelped trying to hide his project from view.

"Easy Kid, I brought you something to eat. Looks like you could use it and a nap," I said as he turned to face me.

He had dark circles under his eyes and his blue eyes were dull from lack of sleep.

"I don't need sleep but I am a little hungry," he said eyeing the sandwich.

"Tell you what Kid, as bad as I want to see how you're doing on your saber, I won't look as long as you eat and take a nap," I said knowing a certain pilot was listening at the door.

He nodded and I turned around.

"Okay," he said and I turned back around to see a blanket now covering the desk.

"Good now here," I said giving him the plate.

He sighed tiredly and slowly started munching on the sandwhich. When he was finished he handed the plate back and stood up shakily.

"Careful Kid," I said taking his arm and steadying him.

"Okay I've eaten, so I'm gonna get back to work," he said yawning.

I shook my head and placed my hand on the back of his neck.

"Sorry Ezra, you're taking a nap."

His eyes widened for a second before they rolled back and he slumped right into my embrace.

"Should have put the plate down first," I grunted realizing that I needed both hands.

After getting situated I carried the kid into my room and laid him down.

"Sorry I had to knock you out," I whispered running a hand through his hair. "But it's for your own good."

He didn't respond except for a soft sigh. Reaching out into the force, I felt his signature tense but then relax as he drifted into a deep slumber.

"Good night,...Padawan."

Hera POV

I watched as Kanan exited his room.

"Finally asleep?"

He nodded before gesturing to my hands.

"I was gonna get that."

I smiled holding up the plate.

"Sure you were," I teased.

"I was," he defended. "I had to use a force trick to get him to fall asleep," he said glancing back at the door.

"I thought his mind was to strong for that?" I asked slightly surprised.

"It is but he is so tired that his shields are down," he answered with a sigh. "That kid, he really is something else. He ate but then wanted to go back to work."

"What did you tell him?"

"I said I wouldn't look at his saber if he ate and then take a nap," Kanan chuckled.

I smiled and patted Kanan on the shoulder.

"Don't tell anyone but you make a great dad."

His head jerked back in surprise. I laughed and walked away before he had a chance to retort. What I didn't know was as he went to follow me, he turned back to his door and grinned at the thought of being a father.


Kanan opened the door slightly, peeking in just to make sure that Ezra was still asleep. The teen was dead to the world. Kanan chuckled softly and shut the door.

"Sleep well, my young one," he whispered before following Hera to the common room. 

Please let me know what you guys thought. 

Have a great day!!

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