Mission Gone Wrong Part Three

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Hello everyone! I apologize for the long wait. Life has been crazy. I lost my full-time job so I have been trying to find another and it has not been going well. Also I have a favor to ask at the end of the chapter. Please enjoy. 

Kanan POV

I groaned shifting a bit so I could check on my son.

"Are you alright?" I asked touching his face.

He nodded and grimaced clutching his shoulder.

"Come on," I ordered softly, looking over to see the Inquisitor starting to wake.

Ezra got to his feet and I pushed him slightly to get him moving.


The Inquisitor got to his feet and followed us out. After a few minutes of running Ezra tripped smashing his face into the durasteel floor. Grabbing my lightsaber I blocked a swing at him.

"Get away from him," I growled shoving the creep back.

"You know Jedi, I was right in my intial opinion of you. You are weak," the man spoke.

It finally hit me where I have seen him before. He was the Pauuan we met when Sabine joined. I glared at him not realizing that he wasn't even looking at me.

"Now the boy," he said his words giving me cold chills. "I can sense it. He has some real power. He deserves someone who can actually train him."

"I'm not making deals with you," I said coldly, tightening my grip on my saber.

He's not taking my son from me; I needed to get us out of here. The Inquisitor smirked and held out his hand. Before I knew it I was thrown back hitting my head.


Ezra groaned in pain as he sat up and put a hand to his face. Feeling the sticky wetness, he knew that his nose was probably broken. Hearing a deep chuckle, Ezra turned to see the Inquistor staring at him coldly.

"Such pathetic tactics for someone with your strength, you could be learning to be something more. Join the dark side and I can teach you."

Ezra glanced around for Kanan and grimaced to see the man a few feet away, unconscious.

"How about no," he answered turning back to the man in front of him, hating how his voice sounded hoarse.

"Your master is weak, undisplinced and untrained," the Inquisitor said.

Ezra growled, unwillingly letting his anger seep into the force. He couldn't stand when someone talked bad about his father.

"Yeah well, I'll stick with him."

The Inquisitor frowned before igniting his blade.

"Well then, prepare to die."

With that he struck.


Kanan POV

Ow, that guy can pack a punch. Sitting up, I grabbed my head rubbing it gently.

"Your master is weak, undisplinced and untrained,"I heard the Inquisitor say.

"Yeah well, I'll stick with him," Ezra growled.

"Well then, prepare to die," the Inquistor said.

My head jerked up in shock as I watched Ezra fall into a defensive stance hoping to protect himself and the Inquisitor lunged.


I threw out my hand stopping the man in his tracks. Ezra glanced back at me as I rotated my wrist throwing the Inquisitor into the ceiling. Not needing any encouragement Ezra over to me and helped me to my feet.

"We need to go," he whispered, breaking my concentration and allowing the Pauuan to fall to the floor.

Something whizzed past my head, hitting the guy in the face. Realizing what it was I grabbed Ezra's arm and ran like crazy. A large boom echoed through the halls as we caught up to Sabine.

"We've got a way out through the main hanger!" She called slightly out of breath.

"Let's hope the Empire isn't expecting that!" Ezra said trying to keep up.

Scooping him onto my shoulder I grabbed Sabine's hand to make sure she didn't fall behind either.

"Over here!" Zeb called waving from the hanger entrance.

Suddenly the door started to shut as a voice rang over the comms.

"Lock down the prison."

"That's not good," I whispered glancing over my shoulder.

An angry Inquisitor raced after us with his lightsaber out.

"Move!" I ordered pushing Sabine forward as Zeb held the door.

Once we were through I put Ezra down and gestured to the hanger door.

"Get it open."

Sabine raced over and groaned in frustration a few seconds later.

"I'm locked out!"

"We can get the door open," Ezra offered.

That's my boy.

Ezra POV

Dad must have sensed that I didn't have much strength left because as we started to unlocked the door  he placed a hand on my back. It made me feel a bit better knowing that he was there. After what felt like forever the door unlocked and began to open. Opening my eyes I was shocked to see troopers waiting for us. Suddenly a loud sizzle came from the other side of hanger as the Inquistor cut his way in.

"Spector Two?" Dad called over the comm.

"On my way Spector One and I'm bringing the fleet," Mom answered.

"Wait we have a fleet?" Zeb asked shooting a few troopers.

"We do now," Dad snapped pushing me forward. "Let's go!"

I'm not sure how we did it but we made our way through the mob of troopers and reached the end of the landing platform. Mom showed up with some kind of flying creature that helped with the rest troopers. As the Phantom's door opened Zeb and Sabine jumped on and I paused as a cold sensation pasted through me. Looking behind me, I saw the Inquisistor's lightsaber was spinning towards me. I jumped to the side hoping to get away from it but the darn thing still hit my side leaving a nasty burn.

"Ezra!" Dad yelped scooping me up as the blade another run for us.

Mom moved off a bit to give Dad a running start as he deflected the spinning blade with his own as it made a second round and jumped on board. As the door closed I got a look at the guy's face and couldn't help but chuckle as it dropped into one of frustration.

As we took off I finally realized just how bad my whole body hurt.

"Owww," I whined slightly as Dad inspected both wounds more closely.

"I know Kiddo," he whispered before turning towards Mom.

"Hera, you might want to step on it. Ezra's gonna need stitches, again."

"I am offend by that statement," I chuckled painfully, knowing he was holding back from going into panic mode.

"An yet, you continue to get hurt," he said holding me a bit tighter. 

"Not my fault," I slurred as dark spots began to appear. "Trouble finds me." 

Before I knew what happened, my world became dark and I passed out. 

I do hope you guys enjoyed this and as always please let me know what you thought. 

Like I said before I lost my job and I have been trying to find another but it has not been going well. So I have decided to write an actual book to be published but I need some help. I'm going to be posting the first couple of chapters here in a little bit and I would greatly appreciate it if you guys checked it out let me know what you think. It will be called 'Guardian Angels.' 

Have a wonderful day!!!!!

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