Chapter Nine

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Normani's POV

When I woke up it was still dark outside. Camila and Lauren were still asleep. Lauren was curled up in herself at the edge of the bed, if she wasn't careful she might fall out of the bed. She looked like she was crying in her sleep.

Slowly getting off the couch, I bit my lip as a sharp pain rippled through my back.

Making my way toward Lauren's bed, I gently lifted her back onto the bed.

Closing my eyes as the pain ripples through my back once more.

Lauren shifted. She yawned and rubbed her eyes before falling back asleep.

Sighing, I slowly make my way into the bathroom, it was only four in the morning. Shutting the door, I turn the bath onto warm, stripping slowly. I sighed softly as I sank into the warm water, it soothed my sore muscles immediately. Closing my eyes, I relaxed into the water just as the bathroom door opened.

Lauren wandered in, half asleep. She didn't even notice me and she walked over to the sink and splashed her face with cold water. She looked at herself in the mirror, grimacing before looking down. She sniffed and sighed.

"Come take a bath with me?" I asked softly.

She jumped in surprise, turning to face me, her eyes wide. "When did you come in here?" She asked.

"I've been in here, I just got into the bath." I said, sitting up slightly and wincing in pain.

She frowned. She rubbed her face with her hands and leaned against the sink, sighing heavily.

"Come bathe with me." I said, offering her my hand.

She took a deep breath, nodding once before stepping away from the mirror and stripping. She still wasn't to confident about looking at herself in the mirror.

Once she was completely naked, I sat up more and spread my legs so she had room.

She swallowed thickly before slowly climbing into the tub. She leaned against the side of the tub and sighed, squeezing her eyes shut.

Shifting, I pull her back against my body, wincing slightly as my breasts press against her back. I needed to feed Jaxson or find a way to relieve the pressure.

She rested her head on my shoulder and sighed. She was quiet which was curious. She seemed kind of upset.

"Talk to me." I said softly, rubbing her sides.

She exhaled slowly. "Nothing's wrong." She said quietly. She shut her eyes.

Turning her to face me, I bite my lip when she's straddling my hips, but focus my attention on her.

Caressing her cheek, I lean my head against her's. "Something's got you upset."

She looked down at her hands. "It's nothing." She mumbled.

"Baby, please talk to me." I begged, I felt like she always shut me out.

She bit her lip while a tear slipped out of her eye. "I miss my gran and great grandmother, okay?" She whispered in defeat.

Wrapping my arms around her, I hold her close, kissing her cheek and catching the tear with my lips.

"I know you do baby, I miss my grandma and grandpa everyday." I whispered.

Sadness filled my body as I thought of my grandma, she was always my number one fan for everything.

Lauren held back a sob. She rested her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around me.

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