Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

"Wakey wakey!" Alex turned on the lights. I tried to jump out of my bed but the zip ties pulled me back down. I glared at him with as much hatred as humanly possible. "Aww did he wake you up from your nap?" The guard pouted at me with fake sympathy. I turned my headed from the Alex to the guard. "Alex looked at the guard sternly. "Is that how we treat our guests?" He questioned, "Now Amber, are you ready for your first lesson?" He gave a devious look. If their is one thing I learned about Alex it is that he never does his own dirty work, but he does plan it.

"Take her to room 23," Alex commanded the guard. He quickly grabbed my cot and rolled me out of "my room" and in to the hall. I squirmed trying to let myself loose. The guard look at me and smacked me upside the head. I flinched in pain. "Bad doggy," his load deep laugh rolled through the hall. I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep. Come on Amber got to sleep then you can wake up at home. It's all just a dream. Go to sleep Amber.

ZAP!!! I woke up with a jolt. What the?!?! I looked around blinking. The was a stinging feeling in my side. I was sitting up in a hard, silver, metal chair.. I looked to right there was Alex sitting in a chair across from me with his legs strattling the chair. His sea green eyes starring at me. He looked at me with curiosity. As if I was a science high monkey. I pressed my lips in a straight line. Wait a minute... The duct tape is gone! I opened my mouth and stretched my cheeks and lips. I neared a chuckle and looked up.

Alex was laughing at me. "If you were being held captive and just got the duct tape taken off of your mouth after three days, you would do the same," I snarled at him. He stopped laughing instantly. "Oh darling, I was not laughing at that. I'm laughing at how clueless and naive you are! You won't even know what hit you when I'm done with you!" He chucked slightly,"Now let the fun begin!" he exclaimed.

"Now our first thing we need to address is your violence problem," he stated. I glared at him. "I know I know! You were just using self defense, and what not but you must understand", he kept his smile the whole time he talked to me but I just glared at him,"We do not want to hurt we we are here to protect you!" I stared at him dumb founded. "Amber I want to help you here this is why we have to have these lessons," his face softened. Why does he look at me this way? As if he feels bad for me.. Why would the person who is keeping me here, fell bad for me?? "You want to help me?!?" I asked confused.

"Dear Amber so young do you have any idea what is happening here?" Alex asked me as if he was talking to a 5 your old. "Biff out," Alex snapped. "But boss," the guard began to questioned. "Leave!" Alex apparently didn't like people to question him. Note taken. The guard,Biff, ran out fast. "So you think you can handle me by yourself?" I tested with a small smirk. "I can and I will," he returned the smirk, "Now about that lesson! Why do you not like me??" Hmm where do I start?? "Well for starters your holding me captive!" I gave him my best uh-duh look. He almost started laughing but he quickly cleared his throat. " I'm doing it for some money. You mean no value to me, but to my boss your almost the world!," he gave me a stern look. " I bet your parents are so proud' my son works for a kidnapper, and his favorite part of the job is tour hong with the young women who come in!'" I glared at him. He looked at me with is that sadness. Serves him right! Although, I can't look at him. He looks so sad and lonely. "My parents died," he chocked out. My face went blank. I can't believe I said that!! I'm sooo heartless...

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