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yoongi knows it's awkward to sit with someone you barely knew, but he noticed that not a lot of people came to the bakery and the girl might feel lonely waiting for new customers.

yoongi ate some of his mousse and looks at her, "so what's your name?"

she was watching the rain fall outside, "huh? im sorry, what did you ask?" turning her full attention to him.

  "your name?" yoongi repeats.

  "oh, jisoo, kim jisoo." she laughs awkwardly at her mistake, "my aunt owns this bakery."

he nods and eats a spoonful of mousse, which is halfway done, "i'm min yoongi."

she bows slightly and goes back to watching the rain, yoongi finishes and puts the cup on the table. he sits back into his chair and looks at jisoo, her face is slim, but her cheeks were chubby, her long hair frames it perfectly. the way her eyes and nose scrunch when she laughs or smiles makes her cute.

then he remembers, "don't get attached, once she knows she'll run away." yoongi tries to ignore it by asking her another question, "are you from seoul?"

jisoo turns again, "no... i used to live in busan with my mom," she smiles, but it falls, "my mom passes away a couple weeks ago, so i moved and live with my aunt." she puts her head down, "i wish i can go on knowing that i'm making her proud."

  "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to bring it up."

  "it's okay." she smiles, her mother wouldn't want her to be sad all the time, "how about you?" jisoo rests her chin on her palm.

yoongi chuckles, "my story isn't as interesting as yours."

  "i told you mine now it's your turn." she gestures him to go on.

he sighs, "i'm from daegu..." he pauses, "when i was younger, i had..." he thinks of how to put it, "anger issues. so when i was old enough to move out, i moved here. i think the change of scenery will help." yoongi looks away, he didn't like opening up to random people, but jisoo was a little more easy to talk to.

  "is it helping?" she asked, thinking the change of scenery might help her too.

  "a little."

  "maybe i might help me too."

yoongi smiles, "maybe we can help each other?"

jisoo smiles back, "yeah, maybe."

  "i better get home before it starts raining harder," he stands up, "and you go back to work."

she scoffs, "you mean, watching the rain from behind the cash register?"

  "oh right. see you later, jisoo."


she puts on her apron and grabs the empty mousse cup and spoon.

suddenly, auntie choi bursts through the kitchen door, "was that a customer?"

  "oh, you just missed him." jisoo shows her aunt the empty cup.

she glares at her niece before grabbing them from her hands, "you should have told me." and dramatically goes back into the kitchen.

jisoo giggles and shakes her head. "yoongi is incredibly cute." she says to herself, smiling like an idiot.

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