| Chapter 10 : 6th week |

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krystal screamed holding myungsoo back because he had growled just by kyungsoo pushing me away and it caused him to stumble back i released a harsh breath as i darted foreward and catched him before he could fall backwards .

i lowerd him when he leaned onto me resting his cheek on my shoulder as he hummed something

,, kyungsoo" i called him firmly after setting him down and letting him lean against me while my arm was around him . i took it too far i should have stopped as soon as his breaths went uneven . ,, get some water and kris " i orderd

,, kris is not here " sehun answerd paniced and i looked up at him before looking around not knowing how to handle this .

,, nugget .. i'm sorry i didnt- .. try to calm down ok its alright " i attempted but he didnt respond and soon myungsoo returned with a glass of water .,, do you want to drink something ?"

his hand lifted slightly into its direction and i guessed that meant yes so i moved the glass to his lips as he took a small gulp and i moved it away again ,, thats it calm down "

he shiverd at that and krystal laid the blanket over him
,, why is he so cold " i quesioned loooking at all of them only to have krystal answer

,, he .. he was outside with me and it was kinda cold so i brought him the blanket but he didnt take it and gave it to me instead-" ,, why did you take it hes not like us ,you're a wolf !" i started scolding her simply because i felt helpless with this situation not wanting to blame myself for this .

,, but i'm in case you havent noticed yet a pregnat wolf which means my body no longer is immune to these stuff ! i can get cold and sick aswell ,i didnt think about him being cold ok i'm sor-" ,, shh" sehun interrupted us as he lowerd himself going down to kyungsoos height and we watched his concentrated Expression.

,, what ?",, shh .. cant you hear it ? " he smiled

,, what do you mean ? " i was confused and looked at everyone ,my eyes stopping at chanyeol who quieckly looked away from me he seemed scared .. it hurt in a way , i know i went to far but so did he.
hes been quiet the whole time .

,,this listen " i listened but all i could hear were our heartbeats and breaths a bit of a breeze since the window is open but thats it .

,, oh god.. i hear it " krystal laughed tearfully ,, that explains it "

,, explains what ?" she took my Hand at that placing it on top of kyungsoos tummy and my frown disappeard when i felt it .

kyungsoo only exhaled in Content at my touch and i couldnt help but crack a smile when i now listened to the heartbeat of our Baby aswell as Feeling it's presense by only the touch . i nuzzeled my nose in his hair not caring about the Arguments when i kissed the crown of his head more times .

,, jon-g-gin " i looked back down when i heard his small voice and he seemed more awake now holding his stomach. aswell

,, i can hear the heartbeat .."
After I told him that, he didnt seem to react much to this and i rememberd that he didnt actually say anything to the pregnancy .. i didnt even know if he wanted it or not .. thats what i was scared of the most him not wanting it but i was also scared of him wanting it because i didnt know how his body would handle a wolfbaby and if it came to a decision ..

,, theres .. something " he looked over my shoulder and i frowned at him turning his head to look at me

,, what?"

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