| Chapter 52 : Fixing A Mess |

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important :
Last chapter was first updated accidently so afterwards I added somethig to the end of it which is pretty important to continue on this
(if you read how Sehun suddenly appeard during their conversation then you already saw it )


,, Sehun " I instandly got to my feet taking a hold of his wrist to stop him from walking back into the cave and wake them ,, wait "

,, krystal's dead ? What about myungsoo? What .. why ?" He frowned but I could see the tears in his eyes as he stared back onto kyungsoo again. Everyone liked the both of them when they were still with us, they did a mistake I was still not sure to forgive yet, but that didn't change the fact they weren't bad people. And we did all enjoy the time with each other.

And as much as I had been furious at them, death was not what they deserved, neither losing a mate if myungsoo was still alive.

,, maybe you mistook it," Sehun argued stepping past me to kyungsoo who visibly tensed getting to his feet and looking down sadly
,, I know it was krystal..
trust me "

,, where ? Why ?" He stepped even closer and this time it was too close for my liking and I gently held onto his shoulder holding him back again .

,, hey, .. calm down ok..
this isn't something we should worry for now, listen " I took a deep breath looking back onto kyungsoo as I was now standing between them ,, kyungsoo found her in a cave with chanyeol  remember before they returned and prevented .. K-kris from shooting me. We don't know why she was there or why she was dead and I promise we will ask baekhyun what this is about as soon as we arrive to safety " I looked at him firmly

,, don't say anything until we do got it " my eyes flicker a second in red and sehuns in golden in return .

He looked down breathing out shakingly. ,, I'm sorry .."

,, it's ok" I pat his shoulder massaging it lightly as I looked up back at baekhyun and chanyeol still sleeping  ,, it's ok .. "


The next day we continued walking but this time everyone was quiet.

I was holding kyungsoos hand as we walked while he still held onto his stomach, it was now almost obvious that he was pregnant, you could tell by how round his abdomen appeard .

Chanyeol had been walking behind baekhyun constantly having his eyes on him even if he had trouble admitting it to himself that he was still worried, he couldn't even talk to baekhyun yet and baekhyun didn't say anything else than sorry and I'm fine now. Maybe I should have a talk with him too, if he knows that none of us are doupting him anymore then maybe he will be brave enough to actually start bounding with chanyeol.

Ofcorse I still felt unsure of him but I know he didn't want bad for us, he saved us all yesterday and he saved kyungsoos life, kyungsoo seems to trust him so I guess I should too for now.

I looked over at Sehun at that, I haven't realy asked for his opinion in this matter either, it was obvious that chanyeol was scared to trust or fall for baekhyun but what did Sehun realy think of him, I guess I couldn't ask him that now judging by the way he looked to the ground almost depressive, he seemed deep in thoughts.. which was so unusual it worried me.

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