| Chapter 60 : One Life for another |

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I sighed after closing the door to the small what hyunsik called bedroom of the caravan where jongin had put kyungsoo down, behind me looking ahead to spot baekhyun sitting by the small table with his daggers out spread over it along with small stones .

,, what are you doing?" I asked sitting down across from him.

He looked up while still holding one of his daggers and running a stone over it that somehow sparkled in green sharing the green of his glowing eyes .

He looked back down onto the dagger when both his eyes and stones stopped glowing
,, I almost broke it because of your alpha rushing me "

,, his mate almost got raped, don't you think it's understandable of how he reacted" I explained with a frown looking at his daggers while he still avoided my gaze.

,, it was ignorant " he turned his head and i sighed Rolling my eyes ofcorse he wouldnt understand hes not a wolf... he doesnt know how it feels like.

,, ignorant ? " i questioned irritated and he finally looked up with furrowed eyebrows.
,, your alpha had put us all in more Danger, we are lucky if we dont come across any more hunters.."

How could he be so insensetive if it were die jongin they might not have made it in time to stop alios he shouldn't be thinking of it in this way .
,, the hunters won't get to us in time ok, besides we have captain dickface who knows how to handle it"

,, hyunsiks methods will be useless and he knows it, kyungsoos family is not the only hunter group out there. The others do not have the poor equipment hyunsik and kyungsoo shared. You can not trust his words or actions.

When the hunters catch up to us it is either we run or die ! And your alpha is the cause for them to be right on our tail!" I slammed my hands on the table growling lowly as I stood up and his gripp on the dagger tightened .

,, you don't have a clue. If they try to kill us we'll kill them first !"

He stood up now aswell clenching his jaw ,, you obnoxious naive unexperienced toidits! Your alpha is weak !"

,, because he loves his mate !?"

,, because he is blind! I worked for alios this is his gnickuf plan ! And he knows now aswell that it is working!" I only frowned even harder irritated as I moved back a little to hear him speak as soon as I heard alios.
,, what ?"

He sighed angrily grabbing his dagger and stabbing it into the table as it now cracked like ice revealing green light shinning from the cracks.
,, I saw it before .. " he inhaled ,, it was terrifying, seeing a man lose his mind with his wolf. I tried to stop him but, .. "
He groaned squeezing his eyes. For some reason it tore on my heart because I knew he wasn't angry, he was .. sad. No guilty

,, but what ?" I asked carefully noticing how his gripp tightened on the knife.

He wouldn't answer and I thought it would be best to not ask more yet I was curious and I didn't want to leave it like that to maybe be burried inside of him again or anything like it .
I wanted to know his worries and pain.

So I swollowed reaching my hand out to lay on his. The one he had on the dagger. I felt it and I knew he felt it too, this pleasant sensation almost seducing me to just pull him closer and hold him in my arms, he should understand the meaning of having a mate like I finally do just like me he thinks this makes him weak probably because he was thinking of his past self not being able to do anything against his first mate .

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