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This book is dedicated to all with Down Syndrome.

🌼We're in this together. We love you. We care for you. It doesn't matter what your color, your age, or your background is. You are perfect in your little way.

🌼If you have a brother, sister, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, niece, cousin, nephew, great aunt/uncle, friend, colleague, class/course/school mate, teacher, neighbor, who has Down syndrome or is related to someone who has, you should comment "WE LOVE Y'ALL" here to show how much you care.

Wondering how Down's Syndrome comes about? Here's a quick rundown:

According to Medical News Today, Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a condition where individuals have 47 chromosomes in each cell instead of 46. Trisomy 21 is caused by an error in cell division called nondisjunction. This leaves a sperm or egg cell with an extra copy of chromosome 21 before or at conception.

Trisomy 21 occurs by a mutation which is a spontaneous or abrupt change of the information stored in the structure of genes that alters the information stored in the DNA code.

Down syndrome is not by choice. It could happen to anyone. Therefore let's show those who have it that they're normal and could live a 100% stigma-free life.

And always remember, diseases and hard situations don't kill, stigmatization does.

Therefore, spread the love!!


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