(20) Underground Safe House.

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The scream that rent from the room was enough to wake a sleeping vampire. It was enough to make a person's blood curl, enough to instill fear in the fearless.

But it didn't faze Devlin. It couldn't. He was, after all, the one causing the screams.

And the screams were coming from Bob.

Devlin gathered Bob's hair in his hand and pulled it. Bob was whimpering and pleading.

"Where is she?" He ground out.

All he got was a whimper. He raised his fists and slammed them into Bob's guts. Bob howled in pain. Devlin stood. He moved back and picked a whip.

"You failed at two of your duties. You drank on duty and you lost her." He moved closer to where Bob's hands were hanging from the ceiling with a chain. "It's either she comes back, or I kill you."

Devlin's eyes were bloodshot red. He was breathing hard, his white shirt rolled up at the arm and smeared with blood.

"Where is she?! HOW DARE YOU LOSE HER?!" He raised his arm with force and was bringing the whip down at him.

"Devlin, NO!!"

His hands froze mid-air. He held his breath, hoping the voice belonged to whom he thought it belonged. He swirled around and came face to face with Pamela. Her face was silhouetted in the dark dungeon so he couldn't see the expression on her face. The whip clattered to the floor.

True, he couldn't see the expression on her face, but her voice held contempt, more than he'd ever heard from her.

"You bastard! You animal!" She cried with contempt and rage. She moved closer to where Bob hanged and bile rose in her throat. He was looking even more battered than he'd been when Cody had shown her his picture. She broke down and wept.

"Bob I'm so sorry." She said, bitterness and guilt weighing her down. How could Devlin do something like this? She couldn't believe days ago she'd thought he was a good man. Anger flared in her.

"Release him." She said turning to look at Devlin. "Release him, you bastard!"

He gave her a cool glare, his jaw tightly clenched. He motioned for someone who was standing beside him to release Bob. When Bob was released, he hit the floor groaning in pain. All parts of his battered body hurt, no doubt. Pamela knelt beside him.

"Call 911 somebody! We need to get a hospital. Bob, I'm so sorry." She apologized, tears rolling down her face and he gave a strangled cry of pain in response. "Call 911!" she bellowed.

When no one budged, she directed a glare at Devlin.

"You're seriously not going to leave him like this are you? Not like I would put it past you." She said sneeringly.

One long step brought him close enough to grab her by the hands, and when he did, he started moving.

"Let me go!" She cried. She used her free hand to rain blows on his hand that held hers but he didn't flinch. He didn't even act as if she was doing anything to him. He was a goddamned brick wall. Bastard.

"Get him a doctor." That was all Devlin said to whoever was listening before they stepped out of the dungeon.

"Let go of me!" She screamed. "Let go! I don't want to go anywhere with a heartless animal like you! Let me –"

With one swift motion, he carried her and propped her against one shoulder as if she weighed next to nothing, moving with purposeful strides.

Pamela kicked and used her fists to hit his back but it did nothing to deter him. If anything, the impact of her fists on his brick wall back was hurting her. After so many failed attempts, she got tired and stopped struggling, resigning to fate.

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