(23) A Gruesome Scene.

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Hand in hand, they raced up the elevator and onto the main building. Pamela's heart was beating frantically against her rib cage as they went.

Along the way, Devlin stopped to take guns. There was a safe where bullets were kept and Devlin loaded them up. He handed one to her.

"In case you need to protect yourself."

She took it, trying so hard to hide her trembling hands, and nodded with courage, one she was far from feeling. All she wanted was to curl up in a ball and –


You're strong. You can do this.

As they got to the main building, Pamela gasped in shock while Devlin stilled.

It was a gruesome sight.

Injured men were lying on the floor. The ones that weren't so injured rushed about trying to help others, wrapping them with gauze bandages. Some were sweeping away debris. Blood was everywhere. The commotion was horrific. Pamela started shaking.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, taking her hand and squeezing it.

She couldn't cower before him. He needed her. "Yes." She said raising her head when all she wanted to do was retch all the contents of her stomach right there.

A large hole gaped in the wall where concrete columns and glass windows had once stood; and the beautiful mansio, was reduced to a debilitated structure. She spotted a plume of smoke coming from the house.

"Come on." Devlin started moving with purposeful strides, his gun no more poised but hanging free in his hands.

"Ivan!" he called out to one of his men who was hunched over an injured. He moved rapidly towards Devlin. "What's the situation?"

"We have the fires under control and we're seeing to the injured but sir, we need medical help." He looked like he would cry. "We need an ambulance. A real hospital."

Devlin raked his hands through his hair and swore. "You know we can't." He said through gritted teeth.

"People will die," Ivan replied solemnly.

More men jogged towards the scene of the blast, fire extinguishers in their hands. The hissing spray of the extinguishers masked the moans of the injured. That jerked Pamela. Why was she watching in fear when she could put herself to good use?

She dropped her gun and started to move toward them but Devlin held her arm and she spun around to face him. An angry retort sprung to the tip of her tongue that she could take care of herself but she didn't get to say it. The look on his face said he wanted her to be careful.

She nodded, reading his thoughts. She turned away. "Where's the medical kit? Somebody?" She yelled and the men handed her several boxes, each for its degree of medical conditions.

"Is everyone alive?" Devlin said to no one in particular, surveying the scene, his anger mounting. He didn't want to think of how good it would feel to put a bullet in the cocksucker's head. Didn't want to let anger control him. Right now, the survival of his boys was a top priority. They had served him faithfully and without complaints and had trusted him to protect them.

He had let them down

Ivan grimaced. "I don't know. We haven't found everyone."

Devlin headed to a spot where the walls and ceiling had caved in. "There could be someone under
there." He balled his fists and clenched his jaw. He took deep breaths, trying to calm the storm that was raging inside him. "Where is the hell is Cody?!" He hollered.

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