(18) Realization.

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Pamela sighed wearily. "Now?"

"Yes," Bob replied. "It's almost three."

She knew she had promised Bob to leave by noon, but she didn't want to leave. "I still have guests around. It'll be rude to leave them."

"I'm sorry ma'am, but I don't have a choice."

But I do! Pamela thought sneeringly. She was sick and tired of being a puppet in the hands of Devlin. Yes, he'd saved her. Yes, he'd protected her, but she felt like a prisoner. She belonged here, in her father's company, with her employees. She was sick of being a prisoner.

"Alright, Bob." She said with a smile. "We'll go."

He looked tremendously relieved.

"But," She stood gingerly. "I need to go to the bathroom – alone." She added when he made a move to follow her. "Just sit here and drink something."

"I'm not allowed to drink on duty."

"You're not on duty." She snapped. What an exasperating man! "At least not with me." She softened her tone.

He didn't reply. Pamela felt sorry for him when she saw how his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. He sure wanted a drink, and since he was on 'duty' – which would be every single time of the day – he couldn't drink.

Pamela started to move and saw he was still determined to follow her. "It's a bathroom, Bob. I don't need company. Not that I don't find your company stimulating, you're a laugh a minute." She picked up her purse. "But I need to be alone, you know, to do girl stuff, and I don't need you standing outside the bathroom door, my employees will think I'm a fugitive or something."

He still looked wary.

Pamela started towards the bathroom and sighed in relief when he didn't follow her. As soon as she was out of sight, she took a left turn towards another door and dialed Marcel's number.

It didn't go through.

Pamela cursed and kicked the wall. Thank God her stiletto heels could protect her toes from hurt. She tried Marcel again and it went straight to voicemail.

"Damn it, Marcel!" She cursed angrily. How the hell was she supposed to escape without help?

She could sneak out towards the elevator, but that would mean going back to the conference room. Bob would certainly spot her.

She sighed in resignation.

Downcast and discouraged, Pamela walked back to the conference room, and just by a streak of luck, she saw that Bob was drinking! Even if it's just one glass of whiskey, it showed he was distracted, even at the least bit.

She could sneak past him!

She started moving cautiously towards the door that lead to the elevator. She was halfway there when Bob jerked and scanned the room as if waking up from a dream. Pamela avoided his eyes and turned to look at one of her employees who was passing at that time.

"Ashely right?" Pamela grinned brightly at her. She looked at Bob and waved as if to say 'I'm here! Don't worry!' then pretended to be interested in Ashley and her dog who had just given birth to a litter.

When Bob looked away again, she cut Ashley off, saying she needed something she forgot in her car, and excused herself.

Moving, her eyes on Bob and trying to mask the fact that she was sneaking so her guests wouldn't be suspicious, she got halfway to the door and Bob wasn't looking. He'd filled his third glass, she was sure. If only she could just ease over to the stairway entrance without him noticing.

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