Devlin stroked Pamela's hair and kissed her forehead as tears coursed down her cheeks, just as the tapering sun started to sink the skyline. He lay his head on hers, not wanting to let go of her, and neither did she if the way she tightened her arms around him was any indication. He raised his head and held her back in a position such that he would be looking straight at her.
"Take this, please. You have to."
It was three hours after he had found her sobbing in the suite and she hadn't stopped since then. Yes, he'd reassured her that he would never leave her, yes, he'd promised to stay alive and survive for her but he had decided to let her know what was going on: he still planned on attacking Bull. But he was not going unprepared; he had a backup plan and that backup plan was what he was handing over to Pamela.
She shook her head from side to side and used her hand to press back the sob that was surely going to cause a headache for her. She looked at the letter that Devlin was holding out to her like it was a bomb and shrank away when he tried to press it into her hand.
"Please," he said, his eyes earnest.
She swallowed noisily and blinked tears from her eyes. "I - I couldn't." her mouth turned downwards like a baby crying for a tittie. She buried her face in his chest.
Devlin sighed and he leaned her head back so she would be looking up at him, wiping the tears from her cheeks, but the sobs began again and he took her in his arms and patted her back. She clung to him and wept bitterly.
"Is all of these necessary?" She said choking back a sob and wrapping her arms around him, pulling him as close as she could.
"He has to pay," he said, anger flooding his face as he remembered the havoc Bull had wrecked in his life. "He needs to be punished, he has to pay."
Pamela sat back, her eyes misty. "Are you going to kill him?"
The proper answer would have been no, but he wasn't sure how the fight would turn out. He could get really angry and blow the dickhead's brains out. But he would do his best to control himself because the last thing he needed was to have murder be added to his lists of murders, and crimes, for that matter, and be sent to prison especially now that he had someone to live for. That reminded him of the escape plan.
"Pamela," he held up the brown envelope and handed it to her. "You have to take this."
She shook her head no. "I will not."
"No!" She outcried and stood. "Taking this is a sign of me accepting that your original plan will go down in flames. I cannot live with that." There were tears in her eyes and her voice was wobbly.
"I cannot take chances, Pamela." He stood to meet her but she moved out of his reach. "You have to take this, please."
"Why are you doing this to me?" The tears seeping down her face made her breathing shallow and ragged. "Why are you giving me the stupid backup letter when you have your best friend and your most trusted guard? Why -" She shut her eyes briefly to stop the choking sobs. "Why?" She added with a heart-wrenching whisper.
Devlin reached out to her and held her in a tight embrace, swallowing the painful lump in his throat and blinking tears from his eyes. He buried his nose in her hair and inhaled the scent, like a dog about to be used to search for a particular scent; he took it all in, wanting it to be ingrained into his memory for the rest of eternity. He held on tight to her, drawing strength and comfort. To her, he might seem ready and strong, but the truth was that he was scared shitless. He was a fraidy cat, he knew that but he had to get revenge for everything that had happened to him; he couldn't just let it go. Bull needed to have a taste of his foul-smelling medicine which he had forcefully gulped down his throat and that of everyone he holds dear.

The Mafia Kidnapped Me
ActionWhen the death of her father leaves an innocent woman vulnerable in the twisted war between two Mafias, will the Mafia who saves her turn out to be just like the rest or will he let her tame him? ~ It happened on the day her father died. It was mean...