(13) The Shoot Out.

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Pamela didn't understand what was happening. It was all happening in a blur. The way Devlin had commanded her to come with him would've seemed insulting to any woman but she had found herself giving him her hand and letting him lead her out the door to his car, which was guarded by four guards, Cody included.

It wasn't until Cody started the car that she came to her senses. Devin's hands were still twisted around her arms in a strong grip. She tried to yank it off.

"Get your hands off, you're obstructing blood circulation." She said angrily at him.

Naturally, he ignored her.

Pamela tried again. "Devlin I said -"

"I heard what you said and it will do everyone a whole lot of good if you shut up." He snarled, not glancing at her. His eyes were on the road.

Pamela remembered telling him that she hated being told to shut up but she decided to ignore him, just this once. "I need to know what is going on. Why did you come to my house all of a sudden -" Then Pamela recalled the black vans. "And why were black vans following me?"

If he had heard her, he gave no indication. His other hand that wasn't around her arm - and really obstructing blood circulation - was tightened around his gun. Pamela shivered at the sight of a gun.

"So it's true." His voice was cool and dangerously calm.

Pamela thought he was talking to her. "What?"

"Yes, boss. It's true." Replied Cody who was behind the wheel. "Bull sent his agents to watch the lady."

Devlin let out a string of cringe-worthy curses. "How could you have been so lax?" He was speaking quietly but Cody was shivering from the driver's end.

"It won't happen again, boss. I swear it."

"What's going on?" Pamela asked. "Devlin please tell me."

"Your life is in danger that's what is going on!" He snapped.

"So you sent your black monstrous vans to protect me?" she asked sarcastically. "Well, read my lips; I DO NOT NEED YOUR PROTECTION! I am fine on my own and will survive."

He ignored her and kept staring out the window and Pamela thought he wouldn't reply but seconds later, he did.

"I'd rather not."


"Read your lips, that is." He turned to look at her and her cheeks flamed. It worsened when his gaze fell on her lips.

"Can you ease your grip? Please?"

He did and resumed his look through the side window. Pamela wondered what exactly he was looking at, as the car was moving at full speed and so whatever it was that they were passing would literarily be in a blur.

"I was terrified when I saw the vans." She said, hating the silence. "Next time when you start having ridiculous ideas that I'm in danger, visit or better still call. Just don't trail me with black vans."

He scowled at her. "I didn't trail you. I'm not the enemy, remember?"

"Everything you do could be just for show, so I don't believe you, and neither do I trust you."

He completely let go of her. "I don't give two shits about your trust issues. Just keep your mouth shut, I need to think."

"I hate it when I am told to -"

Suddenly, there was a loud explosive sound that rocked the jeep. With a settling feeling of dread, Pamela identified it.


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