daniel seavey | mine

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it was late at night, you couldn't sleep so you walked out onto the balcony of your new york apartment. daniel was still fast asleep when you slipped out of his grasp. as you sat, you felt the breeze blow through your hair and watched the cars buzz around. it had to be close to 3 am, the city lights shined brightly and faint sirens could be heard. you just sat and enjoyed the view, even though it was cold out you didn't mind. suddenly a thick blanket was wrapped around you, you smile knowing who it was.

'you know you're gonna get a cold if you stay out too long' he said as he pulled the other chair next to yours

'well i now have you to keep me warm' you smile

you snuggle into his side and he pulls the blanket over your lap.

'aren't you gonna get cold dani?' you ask

'i'll be fine y/n, you need it more than i do' he smiles

'daniel i can share it-'

'just keep the blanket, seriously i'm fine. besides you're enough to keep me warm' he replies

you smile at him once again and crawl into his lap with the blanket still wrapped tightly around you. it was just the two of you sitting outside enjoying each other's presence. you listened to his heart beating, a soft kiss was placed onto your head. as you looked up, you were met with his bright blue eyes, he showed off his toothy grin. you ruffled his soft hair and chuckled at him.

'i sure got lucky when i got you' he states

'i should be the one saying that' you chuckle

'oh? And why is that?' he questions

'cause you're a social media star, you can practically get any girl you want' you respond

'thats true, but i chose you instead' he chuckles softly

'but why me out of hundreds and thousands of girls?' you question, sitting up

'i felt something different when i met you. i've never felt that with any other girl. i felt like i could connect with you on a different level, you were so easy to open up to. not only were you smart and strong willed, but you were so incredibly beautiful' he explained

you bury your head into his chest as he chuckles again, you feel the vibrations radiating through his body.

'from that moment on i knew you were the one for me. so that's why i chose you y/n. i knew from the minute i met you that i wanted to spend the rest if my life with you. you're everything i've ever wanted in somebody, you've truly blessed my life. i love you y/n, i love you so so much' he continued

'i love you too dani' you reply

he kisses your lips slowly, you pull away only for him to pull you back into a tight hug.

'i cant put into words how much i love you' he smiles into your hair

'you don't have to, your actions prove to me how much you love me' you reply

'i don't know what i would do without you. you're my everything, my world. you're everything i've ever asked for and more, i'm so lucky to call you mine' he whispers

'mine' its got a nice ring to it' you smile up at him

he grabbed your left hand and picked at he promise ring sitting on your ring finger.

'always remember the promise, our promise to be together for the rest of our lives' he states

'i would never forget your promise, our promise. i mean, you did put that promise ring on my finger to remind me of your promise' you laugh

'you're impossible' he laughs as well

'but you still love me' you chuckle

'that's true' he shrugs

you both stare off into the blur of city lights. your eyes grew heavy and fell asleep with protective arms wrapped around you.

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