corbyn besson | stranger danger

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you were getting ready for an early morning run in a small town in virginia. you changed into your athletic clothes, then you grabbed your phone and connected it to your earbuds. finally, you tied your shoes right and headed out the door.

you ran out of your apartment and into the park that was a couple miles away from the complex. as you ran, you felt someone staring, so you turned to see no one behind you.

'that's weird' you mumbles to yourself as you continue jogging

then, you get into the park and make your way over towards the other end. the feeling that someone was watching you came back so you turned to see a hooded figure in the shadows. it was wearing a black hoodie and dark grey jeans. it was quickly catching up to you as you jogged, the figure was tall and obviously too strong for you to fight against.

you went on a full sprint desperately trying to evade the figure, but you heard it's pounding footsteps getting closer as it started to walk faster. out of breath, you desperately tried to find someone, anyone that could help you. suddenly, you spot a blonde headed boy stretching on a bench not far from you.

once you ran over to him, he looked at you with a worried expression

'excuse me miss but are you ok?' he calmly asked

'there's..someone..chasing-' you tried to speak out

'whoa whoa just catch your breath before you continue talking' he stated as he helped you onto the bench.

you quickly regain your breath and desperately look around,'there's someone chasing after me and i don't know who it is but they've been following me since i left my apartment' you huff

'you must've lost them if you ran that fast' he replied

'the person was pretty tall and pretty buff so i highly doubt it-'

'hey pretty lady' a deep unfamiliar voice spoke

you snapped your head over to the voice to see the hooded figure with a smirk on his face.

'i'd advice you to leave her alone' the blonde headed boy stated as he stood in the mans path

'oh and what are you gonna do about it kid?' the man scoffed

'oh i don't know, beat you up for stalking my girlfriend' he boy chuckled

you looked at him and smiled, mentally thanking him

'well she can do a lot better then, this' the man laughed as he pointed to the boy and looked at me

'actually, i thought he was pretty good for me thank you very much. you better leave before i call the police' you sternly said as you got up

'whatever' the man mumbled as he walked away

'thanks for that' you smiled over to the boy

'anytime, i'm corbyn by the way' the boy replied as you shook his hand

'y/n' you stated

'some morning it has been, wanna go grab some coffee?' he asked

'you know, that'll really help after what just happened' you respond

'i agree, you're pretty fun to be around' corbyn chuckled as we started to walk towards a nearby coffee shop

'you too, we should hang out after today' you suggested

'we totally should' he smiled

'but first, tell me a little more about you corbyn' you smile back

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