jack avery | the new kid | [ pt. 1 ]

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it was a new school, a new neighborhood, new house and new school year. you were finally a senior in high school, your mom recently divorced your dad and moved to a small town in Pennsylvania. as you walked through the crowded doors, you immediately went straight towards the office to get your new schedule.


after an hour of chaos, you finally received your schedule. you were then written a note for your first period, as you looked at your note you realized your class was half way across the school. you groaned and walked towards your class, after some time you finally reached your class

'ah, you must be the new student! i'm ms. flynn and i'll be your english teacher for the next year. there's an empty seat over there and that'll be your spot' she exclaimed pointing to the empty seat, a curly haired boy occupied the next seat.

as you walked towards your seat people stared at you as you took your spot.

'ok class, for this period you can roam around and meet your classmates!' ms. flynn exclaimed

most of the class got up and started conversations with their friends.

'Not much of a talker are you?' the curly haired boy asked

you whipped your head to see the curly haired boy leaning on the desk

'no not really' you shyly responded

'well I guess we have something in common, my name's jack' he greeted

'y/n' you reply

'beautiful name for a beautiful lady' he smiles

you blush as you both chuckle

'if you want to you can hang out with my group, we're pretty chill for the most part' jack states

'the most part?' you question

'we've got a couple competitive jocks but other than that we're pretty quiet' jack shrugs

'so you're a jock?' you ask

'i wouldn't say i am, but i'm labeled as one so yeah i guess' jack replies

'interesting' you say

'are you doing any sports this year?' he curiously asks

'maybe' you shrug

'what were you thinking about doing?' jack asks

'track, soccer or lacrosse' you respond

'hey i do lacrosse! you should totally do that cause i get to see you more' he winked

'you're such a player' you laugh

'im not' jack states, pretending to be offended

'sure' you teased

the bell rang and everyone gathered their belongings

'see you later?' jack questions

'yeah definitely' you smile

he slid you a piece of paper, you picked it and walked out of the classroom. you opened the folded paper to find his number written across it and a small smily face at the end.

'goof' you whispered to yourself


the day past by fairly quickly, you walked outside to see jack and his other 4 friends.

'yo it's y/n' jonah yelled as he slapped jack's shoulder.

he immediately turned around and smiled as you walked towards them.

'we're gonna hangout this friday, wanna join?' zach asks

'sure why not' you shrug

'cool see you on friday' corbyn waves

the four boys walk off leaving you alone with jack.

'thought you weren't that much of a talker' jack questions

'hey when people get to know me my personality changes' you state

'i see now' jack replies

you spot your mom pull up at the curb so you grab jack's arm and kiss his cheek.

'can't wait to hangout on friday' you smiled as he mirrored your expression

'see you then' he smiled

you waved at his direction as you headed towards the car

'bro did she just?!' daniel exclaimed as the boys rushed over to jack

'she totally did, look at how red he's turning' zach laughs

'does that mean we're gonna have to third wheel your date?' jonah groans

'it's not a date!' jack blushes

'that's a fat lie and we all know that' corbyn exclaims

you laugh at their remarks and get into the car

'don't think i saw you kiss that boy's cheek' your mom exclaimed

'mom he's really nice and so are his friends' you chuckle

'fine, i'll allow it. but if he hurts you -'

'he won't, his friends wouldn't let him hear the end of it if he did' you laugh

'good. now tell me about your day and this curly haired boy and his friends' your mom smiles

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