daniel seavey | a day at the beach

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your alarm rang as the sun beamed brightly through the thin curtains. groaning, you slowly got up and headed towards the bathroom. you brushed your teeth and pulled your hair into a pony tail. since it was so warm and sunny out, you decided to head to the beach. you ate a light breakfast and quickly changed into your two piece. you pulled on some shorts and a baggy shirt, then you grabbed your other belongings and packed them in a small bag. you called your best friend to see if she was up to go to the beach with you, she agreed and allowed you to borrow one of her surf boards. you waited for her outside, you finally see her car pull up and you hop in.


the two of you arrived at the beach, hundreds of people lined the entire length of the beach. the two of you found a spot near the shoreline. you stripped of your cover up and applied large amounts of sunscreen. as the morning turned to noon, the temperature kept rising and rising. you and your best friend grabbed your surfboards and headed into the water.

you splashed small amounts of water on yourself to cool off. you swarm farther into the ocean, hopping to catch a decent wave

as you spotted a good wave, you began swimming towards the shoreline as your board caught onto the wave. you surged down most of the beach and ended up near the top of the beach. you decided to surf back and meet up with your friend, but when you got to your spot, you noticed that she wasn't there. you look up to see her still in the water, probably waiting for another wave.

'hey!' a voice yelled

you look up to see 5 boys, they settled into an empty spot next to your stuff.

'hope we won't be bothering you' a boy with blonde hair said

'oh you won't' you say smiling at the boys

'i'm corbyn by the way' he continues

'i'm jonah!' a tall boy says

'i'm daniel' a boy with piercing blue eyes says

'i'm zach!' a youngish looking boy stated

'and i'm jack' a curly haired boy says

'i gotta say, you are an amazing surfer!' daniel says as he sets down a board

'why thank you' you say as you wax your board once again

'you heading out soon?' he asked as he took off his shirt

'yeah i am, i came back to see if i could find my friend since we split up' you say trying to avert your eyes from the topless boys

'ah ok' he smiles as he unpacks

'yo y/n!' your friend yells as she drops her board next to my feet

'oh and who are they?' she continues

the boys introduce themselves to her, i couldn't help but see her blush every time jonah talked

'i'm gonna stay here for a bit, my legs are aching already' she says as she lays in the shade

'sure thing, i'm gonna head out again' you say as you pick up your board

'here i'll join you!' daniel exclaims as he trails behind me

the two of you enter the water together and wait for a wave. as you guys waited, you both talked about your interests and little things about each other. you found it they were in a band called why don't we and that he lives about 20 minutes away. instead of riding waves, you guys just sat on your boards and talked. you smiled at his cuteness as he suddenly splashed you with water

'oh no you didn't seavey' you taunt as you splash him

you two continue to splash water on each other until a small wave knocks the both of you off your boards. you surface and look around trying to find daniel, but he's no where to be seen

'daniel?' you yell trying to find his bobbing head

you feel your feet being pulled under, you inhale a large breathe of air until your completely submerged. when you open you let eyes, you see daniel, his eyes glowing underwater, you smile as he brings you up to the surface.

you giggle as you two breach the surface, your feet wrapping around his torso as you cling onto his neck

'that was not cool!' you say trying to steady yourself

'oh come on that was funny' he laughs

'no that wasn't! i thought you died!' you playfully slap his chest

he laughs once more as he nuzzles his head into your neck, 'well what if i made it up to you?'


'go on a date with me' he smiles against your skin

'ok, but no pranks!' you say as he looks into your eyes

'no pranks' he smiles as he kisses your nose

'then you got yourself a deal' you smile in return


just one date turned into many more, you started dating daniel and jonah and your best friend finally started dating after playing a long game of playing hard to get. he always took you back tot he spot you two met, he would always smile at the memories made on that beach.

'hey' he whispered in your ear

'yes daniel?' you asked as he cradled you between his legs

'i love you'

'i love you too'

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