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Like a pang of fire in my chest

I am bereft of words

My mind is a web of thoughts

A tangled mess of emotion

There is a desperation

It lies within those who know unrequited love

We don't receive the attention

We are not the thoroughbreds of the race

Perfection be damned

We use our words

But again of those I am bereft

When I see you

I bleed

My soul seeps out

I am left with a void

My sanity is lost

Why am I allured by you

Your toxicity

Like absinthe

I hallucinate


Pine for your love

But you would rather have perfection

Symmetrical, streamlined, perfection

I am jagged

A perfect blade cuts clean

Minimal damage, precise in its delivery

A dull jagged blade destroys the flesh

Rips the skin and creates a unsightly scar

Would you rather have the scar?

A story to tell?

Or do you want the perfect cut

The cut above the rest?

Scars reinforce the body

Harden it

Temper it

I could be that scar

That story

That outward mark

A badge of honor

Go ahead

Pursue the Romeo

He kills himself in the end

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