Monsters - sandor/reader

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"Get fucked."
You whisper the words as you load your arrow into place, your calloused fingers caressing the string as you pull as far back as possible. You kneel with one knee forward, steady on the patch of high ground you have, a green hill that gives you the advantage. A strand of hair falls loose from your braid and lands right in front of your lips, moving in rhythm with your slow breathing. Your eyes are locked intensely on your target, a known rapist in the little town.
You hear a swish noise as you watch your arrow sink into its desired home. The dirty old man with a knife that was once trying to hurt the small girl falls lifelessly to the dirt, shot through the heart, that is, if he even had one. You see the small girl cry and run away, shaken, but happy to be alive and unharmed. The knife he had held to her throat scatters across the ground. You watch as the pool of blood forms around his body and you breathe a sigh of relief and smirk.
One less asshole.
"Nice shot."
You quickly load another arrow in place and turn around, shocked to see the man before you. The hound. You could tell by his firebranded face and pure callousness. He was however, wearing a smile at the small amount of justice you served with your weaponry.
"Thanks." You smile politely as you tuck the strand behind your ear.
"I've seen some terrible men in this area go down by arrows, and I assume it's your doing?" He asks with a beau trap expression.
"It might be." You keep an even expression to match his.
"What? You're some fucking vigilante bitch that calls the shots?"
Uh oh. Were some of those men his friends?
"If that's what you want to call me, then fine. But I'm (y/n), and I'm doing my part to let all the scum of the earth become part of the earth. Monsters of this world can get fucked for all I care. If you don't like it then get fucked too." You dislodge your arrow from its place and place it in the sheath hanging from your shoulder.
At this he releases a laugh.
"You're a feisty bitch aren't you?" He replies with a genuine smile.
"Call me bitch one more time and you'll be eating my feather tipped arrow." You state nonchalantly as you grab your supplies and begin to walk off.
"Whoaaah there now. I was just fucking with you. Calm down. Let me buy you a drink."
"Why?" You ask, notes of suspicion present.
"I like what you do, and I like your spirit. Not many people stand up to me. So what do you say?"
You sling your bag over your neck as you follow him.
You walk for a few minutes before you come upon the inn. It's small, wooden, and homey. You notice various odd trinkets hanging around everywhere, and it's a very loud atmosphere, mostly very drunk men.
He leads you to a table and you both sit down. He grabs the attention of the tavern wench and buys you both drinks, frothy tan looking ales.
"So, were you just spying on me?" You ask.
"I was walking over the hill when I heard the girl scream. I was about to run down and take care of the bastard when I saw you standing there with your weapon raised. I wanted to see if you'd succeed." He replies as he takes a long sip of his ale.
"You've got to know better than to sneak up on a woman like that. I could have killed you when you scared me." You laugh as you take small sips.
"I saw your concentration. You wouldn't just shoot me without a reason."
"Not on purpose. What if my finger just... slipped." At this you hold up your hand and show him your dainty fingers, wiggling them as you raise your eyebrows.
"Well, thanks the gods you didn't. You wouldn't get a free drink." He winks.
"I'm not going to sleep with you."
"What?" He says, an expression full of shock.
"If that's why you're treating me then-"
"No you dumb wench. I'm just-"
"Again? Dumb wench? Come on! You know better than to say such things."
"If you say dumb things, I'll call you dumb."
"How is that a dumb question. It's a logical thought that you'd be trying to get me drunk and-"
"Nonsense. I'm not a monster."
"I didn't take you for one. But why am I here then?"
He takes a slight pause and releases a heavy sigh as he looks down at his ale.
"I saw you were a good shot, and have honor. I wanted to know if you'd be willing to fight."
"Fight who?"
"Not even human. They're these monsters. Scary fuckin things. They-"
"I'm in."
He replies with a shocked face as you down a large gulp of your ale.
"Like I said earlier, monsters can get fucked." You say as you hold up your pint for a cheers.
He smiles and grabs his pint as well and raises it to yours
"To getting fucked!" He says loudly, which attracts the attention of a significant amount of patrons in the inn. You smack him playfully on the shoulder.
"Didn't we JUST have this conversation." You laugh as you take a sip of your ale.
"Anyone who gives a damn can get fucked as well." He says before smiling.
Well. You sure can't disagree with that.

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